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Guns don't kill people, people with guns kill people (often with guns), or, Reflections on a questionnaire

I will put my cards on the table up front and declare I am all for gun control. I figure if you are going to let deadly weapons out into the community, it is worth trying to regulate them.

HOWEVER, I had to laugh at this post that cropped up on the always excellent clusterflock. It concerns the list of questions that you are asked by the Illinois State Police in an application for a Firearm Owner’s Identification Card.

Let us look at the questions shall we?

1) Have you ever been convicted of a felony?

That's a good question. We don't want crooks with guns.

2) In the past 5 years, have you been a patient in any medical facility or part of any medical facility used primarily for the care or treatment of persons for mental illness?

Another good question. We don't want lunatics with guns. I know that there are plenty of people who suffer from mental illness who aren't crazy insane killers, but hey, better safe than sorry!

3) Are you addicted to narcotics?

Like the mental illness thing, I can see how it is discrimitory, but drug addiction is often a trigger (pardon the pun) for criminal activity.

4) Are you mentally retarded?

This is probably my favourite. It is a good question, and one that I often think of asking people that I deal with on a day-to-day basis. Perhaps we need to ask this on all government forms. Yet I can't help but think "if they are, would they know?"

5) Are you subject to an existing order of protection which prohibits you from possessing a firearm?

Catch them out with the direct question, good thinking!

6) Within the past 5 years, have you been convicted of battery, assault, aggravated assault, violation of an order of protection, or a substantially similar offense in which a firearm was used or possessed?

Follow up with another in case they didn't trip up on the previous question. Excellent thinking!

7) Have you ever been convicted of domestic battery or substantially similar offense (misdemeanour or felony)?

Well, we don't want temperamental wife beaters with a gun close to hand, that's surely a recipe for disaster!

8) Have you ever been adjudicated a delinquent minor for the commission of an offense that if committed by an adult would be a felony?

Fair question.

9) Are you an alien who is unlawfully present in the United States?

Double up with a bit of border patrol AND X-files action!

Now, I know that this is a serious business. As I said, I am very supportive on any effort towards firearm control. But surely only those who may qualify as a 'yes' to question four would actually answer 'yes' to any of these questions. Imagine a wild-eyed, psychopathic schizophrenic crackhead who is illegally in the country, he bashes his missus when he has a drink (or hasn’t had a drink), and he’s done a couple of stretches inside for armed robbery both as a juvenile and adult. Is he really going to tick those boxes?

Now this should not be construed as an argument AGAINST either this form of gun control as a concept, it just strikes me as a bit silly.


Dina said…
I lived several decades in Illinois so this questionnaire reminds me of the general silliness of the government forms.
Wonder what the Israeli gun permit form look like. Here civilians carrying a weapon is encouraged because it may save lives in a terrorist attack. New visitors here are always shocked to see soldiers and civilians walking around with big automatic rifles slung over their shoulder.
Gerald (SK14) said…
it is the old legal cop out isn't it.

Did you sell this man a gun?

Yes, but he filled in the form to say he was OK

In that case we'll not bother pressing him for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, we'll just fine him for dishonesty.
Jules said…
Yeah all criminals buying guns to rob banks would tell the truth wouldn't they!!!! What a cop out. They should just ban the lot of them. Who needs them????

I so love the Coppertone ad and the photo below it. Do you remember the signs where the young girls pants were pulled up and down. Couldn't imagine it being allowed these days.
EG CameraGirl said…
Yes it's "gun control" to sooth the masses. People who want to own guns like questionnaires like that. For them it does the trick!
Sue said…
I would be 100% sure that any criminal, psychopath or drug addict who wanted to own a gun would not even bother to apply for a gun licence. Why would they want the authorities to know they even have a gun...most are bought on the black market for nefarious activities and applying for a licence would only bring them to the attention of the police!
Kris McCracken said…
I think that the general feeling in Tasmania is anti-gun, it'll take a lot more time post-Port Arthur massacre before we say any relaxation on that. I can't say I'm too distressed by that fact.

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