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Speaking Swahili

I did promise to reveal the meaning to "Akili ni nywele, kila mtu ana zake", but forgot. As figured out by Priyanka Khot in the comments, it indeed talks about hair and intelligence.

Literally, the quote is "intelligence is like hair, everyone has their own type".

I choose to interpret it as, "just as there are lots of types of haircuts, there are lots of types of intelligence". Thus, if someone thinks that they are better than others simply because they think that their particular set of opportunities, beliefs or knowledge is the be-all and end-all, get over yourself, there are all sorts of 'smarts'.

I think that there is something in that for all of us.


EG CameraGirl said…
I totally agree with you, Kris. There ARE all kinds of smarts. And all kinds of stupid, too, unfortunately.
Priyanka Khot said…
Thanks Kris!

# for inspiring me to actually search and explore another language.

# for not being bugged by my regular reminders. :-)
Marie Reed said…
I think that I have a mohawk personality:)
Maria Verivaki said…
loved this quote, will use it somewhere!
Jules said…
your eg tour guide made me laugh - too true!!

I'm certainly not mechanically smart or musically smart even though my whole family is and my mother sent me off to music lessons for years and years and years....sigh!!!!

Great to catch up with your posts - how are you coping with life after birth????
Layrayski said…
I agree heartily.
Pat said…
It's beautiful what you wrote, Kris, and how true.
Tash said…
very insightful

I love the photos of your boys & your stories. Thank you for sharing (such a cliche phrase but I really mean it)
arachesostufo said…
ciao, belle foto, complimenti da Venezia
• Eliane • said…
So very true. It would be wonderful if the most treasured was the intelligence of the heart, no?
Kris McCracken said…
EGTG, too right.

Piyanka, I enjoy browsing around languages too, and the reminders helped!

Marie, at the moment, I am a bit of a bird's nest!
Kris McCracken said…
Kiwi, feel free (it's what I do!)

Jules, life after birth is just fine, if only we can switch Ezra to not think that between 2 am and 7 am is 'peak hour wake time'!

Layrayski, Bibi and Tash, I appreciate the comments and kind words.
Kris McCracken said…
Arachesostufo, grazi!

Elaine, I am forever torn between head and heart, often a 50/50 split!

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