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Journalism largely consists in saying "Lord Jones Dead" to people who never knew Lord Jones was alive.

No, it isn't the Daily Planet (or even the Daily Worker), it's Hobart's own The Mercury, more affectionately (!) known by the locals as The Mockery. In my mind, the main failing (of many) of this paper is too many "Elderly in Fear!"; "Children at Risk!"; "CORRUPTION!" banners, and not enough "SURFING DOG!"; "SEX ROMP ON MICROWAVE OVEN!"; and "CORRUPT ELDERLY SURFERS IN SEX ROMP WITH CHILDREN!"


USelaine said…
At least they don't "report" sightings of elves, fairies, and Elton John. Give me "elderly in danger" any day.
Really, those headlines sound far more interesting than "Wall Street has crashed and all your savings for retirement are mysteriously gone."
Miles McClagan said…
Asian Gangs rampage through Syrup..that's still my favourite...but it still makes me miss the glory days of The Advocate...sigh, getting teary thinking about kids being good at board games being on the front page...
blackie said…
I hate it when the summer festivals are on and the mockery starts telling us what to wear. Just what i always wanted, a newsprint mama to dress me.
Kris McCracken said…
USelaine, only occasionally do they do that!

Diva, we have those too!

Miles, “SEX ROMP ON MICROWAVE” from 1999 remains my favourite by some margin. The Asian gangs are good, given that the most likely Asian gangs around Hobart are large groups of girls in short skirts, long socks and Hello Kitty handbags.

The Advocate is still capable of the gripping headline once in a while. Seriously though, it is by some margin the best paper in the state, primarily because it knows its market and services it.

Blackie, especially when their advice it to dress like the universal signifier for the mentally ill.

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