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Lost inside an adorable illusion and I cannot hide, I'm the one you're using, please don't push me aside, we could've made it cruising, yeah.

Yes it is Theme Thusday again, and today we are talking GLASS. I've three possible hooks to hang my [glass] hat on with this theme. First, the photo!

Yes, it is the river again from an odd angle in an interesting light. You can just make out the bottom, which should tell you that I'm right on the shore. In some ways, the distortion of the stones below the surface reminds me of ye olde glass windows, what they call "cylinder blown sheet glass". You can still find some of this around Hobart these days.

Thw second link comes from a trip I took to Venice a few years back. You're probably aware that Venice was (is?) a glass-making centre of excellence. If you have ever been there and taken the tour of the glass factories, you might be familiar with the sheer amount of coloured glass that sits at the bottom of the water there. These fragments of glass have been worn down and had their edges dulled by their time in the water, which makes them ample keepsakes for the cheapskate tourist (raises hand). I've got a few of these bits on top of the fridge here at home, and the play of the light on the surface of the water when I took this photo has me thinking that similar pieces of coloured glass lay lurking below.

The third link is far simpler. It is but a mere invite to raise your glasses and celebrate the fact this this modest little post represents the one thousandth for the blog!

I didn't want to mention it earlier, for fear of generating a Y2K panic amongst readers, and I hope that post number 1,000 does not break all of your computers.


Sue said…
Lovely pic...I love the colours. It has a tranquil and uplifting feel.
BTW, congrats on the 1000th blog. I look forward to the next 1000.
Kris McCracken said…
Sue, I need one of these pictures today.

1,000? I'm hoping to get to 2,000 before too long...
Doc said…
My computer isn't broken. It has been enriched by finding my way here time and again. I have to say I am in awe of the titles you pick and the marvelous photos that go along with them. I'm raising my glass even as we speak, Kudos!

Kris McCracken said…
But Doc, can you pick the song?
Colette Amelia said…
congratulations...and the way you post it probably only took 3 months to make it to 1000! You have a lot of energy dear boy!

lovely photo!
Priyanka Khot said…
congratulations on the 1000th post...
Unknown said…
WOW! The photo is amazing!
Baino said…
Congratulations 1000th post well worth chinking a glass to but don't start the party without me yet I haven't even posted! (hurry up naked ADSL2). Gorgeous pic. Love the way the lilac's come through the water. - yeah ridin' high on love's true bluish light!
Ronda Laveen said…
Fabulous post! The colors in the photo are jubilant! Congrats on your milestone blog. Kinda matches theme-wise with the stones below the surface.
Coffee Messiah said…
Yikes, I've been at it since for awhile and only have a little over 200.

Keep up the good work!

Dina said…
Mazal tov on reaching a thousand one-of-a-kinds posts!
This picture is beautiful. I see a face down in the water.
Candie said…
wow that picture is just amazing!
Leah said…
Congratulations, you prolific blogger you!

I love the idea of all that glass sitting underwater, and I would really love to see it.
Cheers on the one thousandth!

Love the pic...

take care
peace and love
Anonymous said…
The colours, as only Nature can provide! Capturing them is another matter. Nice snap. And congrats on post #1,000 (and Megan calls ME prolific ) 8^)
Brian Miller said…
congrats on 1000! love the pic. before i read was wondering if it was water or glass...either way a great representation. nice capture of the colors.
Dakota Bear said…
The picture is interesting. I like the colors of the rocks being reflected through the water.
Tess Kincaid said…
Amazing how many colors are visible in your river photo. wow.

Kudos on 1000!
Babzy.B said…
Happy thousanth !!! and i love the shot , beautiful colors :)Waiting for the next 1000 ....
Dot-Com said…
Happy anniversary to your blog. Looking forward to the next 1000!
Anonymous said…
That is a cracking picture Kris, I really really like it.

Congrats on the 1K (well, 1K+2 by now).
Megan said…
Yowza. Great picture and congratulations on your milestone post.

Heart of Glass is now firmly affixed in my head for the evening!
Kelsey said…
go you!

Kris McCracken said…
Colette, two years and one month, actually!
Kris McCracken said…
UH, it does draw the eye.
Kris McCracken said…
Baino, I got in pretty early, it must be said...
Kris McCracken said…
Ronda, I have another from a different angle with seaweed on a rock that looked good, but distracted from the colour underwater.
Kris McCracken said…
Coffee Messiah, I am a glutton for punishment.
Kris McCracken said…
Dina, one does try!
Kris McCracken said…
Candie, you flatter me...
Kris McCracken said…
Leah, if you go to Venice, go in winter. Far more space and time to do things in those narrow streets.
Kris McCracken said…
Marianna, cheers!
Kris McCracken said…
SubTorp77, one has to have an outlet...
Kris McCracken said…
Dakota Bear, I am glad you like it.
Kris McCracken said…
Babzy, it may come soon.
Kris McCracken said…
Jackie, thank you very much.
Kris McCracken said…
Megan, someone mentioned the song!
Wow, 1,000th that is amazing and wonderful for you, congrats! I only hope to say that myself one of these days. That photo brightened my night.
Kris McCracken said…
Evening Light Writer, just keep posting and it will happen!
Cuppa Jo said…
And wow! 1000. That's amazing.
yamini said…
Congrats for the 1000th milestone. You will surely reach 2,000 and beyond soon.
BTW, the picture was beautiful.
I remember as children we used to go to the riverside and take in the array of images created on the river bed while the sunlight played with water.
Thanks for bringing to us (those on the other side of the world) a glimpse of Hobart.
Tom said…
very cool picture of the river really does look like glass.
Kris McCracken said…
Cuppa Jo, thanks!
Kris McCracken said…
Yamini, the water is still pretty cold too.
Kris McCracken said…
Runmotman, there may well have been glass there!
Anonymous said…
Beautiful photo!
Anonymous said…
Gold doubloons.
Kris McCracken said…
Roddy, if only. I'd have nabbed 'em.

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