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Happy anniversary baby, got you on my mind

No it is not a webcam, but this photograph was taken a mere forty-five ago on my way in to work. Here you can see a good old fashioned Hobart autumn morning, with the rain pelting down and me getting drenched. This one was taken on the corner of Macquarie and Elizabeth, while I was waiting for the lights to change. Come on Ampelmännchen!

Today is my wedding anniversary, an apparently I need to be showering Jen with leather-related goodies. Va-va-vaVOOM!

To you Jennifer, here is a poem I wrote this very morning.


I love you
i love you
I LOVE you
I love YOU





Happy anniversary


Sue said…
Aaaawwwwww! How sweet! But do you really loooooove her??!! hehe
Kris McCracken said…
Sue, I love her more than hot chips, the Internet and Playstation.

I really LOOOOOVE her that much.
smudgeon said…
Leather anniversary, Eh? Congratulations.

Wife & I Just passed our Lint anniversary. I can only assume they improve with the relative value of their related materials.
Ann said…
More than hot chips! Love indeed. She'd probably appreciate an Italian jacket, or Manolo Blahniks more than a leather g string.

Kris McCracken said…
Ann, Jen prefers wool to leather, I think.

I'll get her a new whip to keep me in line...
yamini said…
Awwwww the poem is so sweet!!!
Wishing you and Jen all the good things in life on this anniversary.
Priyanka Khot said…
A very happy anniversary... i am glad u two got married and had such cute n adorable children... hahhaha

Spoil Jen today! You do it everyday but today do it from our side... hehehhe
Nathalie H.D. said…
Happy anniversary you two!

I really enjoyed catching up with your blog - fell in love with the "stone wall" photo (well chosen Jennifer!) and laughed out loud at your Good Friday post. I can see why it would have upset a number of people LOL.

Today's photo is very sweet too.

And did I tell you how brilliant Ezra is, that he can say ba ba ba like no other? ;-)
KL said…
Wishing you and Jen the Happiest Wedding Anniversary. May both of you share lots and lots and lots and lots and lots.............and lots...and lots.......moooooooooreeeeeeeeeee......

Only 3rd wedding anniversary!!!!! Oh! you all are such BABIES in terms of marriage experiences :-P
Nathalie H.D. said…
Forgot to tell you how creative your poem was. It must be thanks to the hot chips and playstation... wink.

Wishing you lots of love together.
magiceye said…
happy anniversary
and the poem is the bestest dedication ever!
good on you!
Babzy.B said…
Happy anniversary , and what a poem , right to heart !
Unknown said…
Hey happy anniversary, Kris. Wonderful family you've got there. We say the woman is the neck that holds the head of the house together. You've got such a lovely "neck" in Jen. Thanks for showering such love on her in the open. I bet you must get great reward in the closet!!! Lol...

Here's lyric from one of my favourite Nigerian singers Beautiful Nubia:

"Oh what a feeling
Locking up my lips
I can't express myself
Baby I wanna love

I wanna live with you
Grow old in your arms
Have babies with you
Baby I wanna love you"

Have a lovely day you two.
Irina said…
Happy anniversary to both of you! You make such a wonderful family, and your children are awesome!
Z said…
Well, then! Happy anniversary!
I wish you a happy anniversary. How many years have you married?
I wish tou you and your wife a very good day for today (and everydays).
Jackie said…
Congratulations from me too, here's to many more years! Leather eh? That'll be interesting when it gets to our 3rd (us both being tree-huggy veggies and all).
Kris McCracken said…
Yamini, all I want is a bit of sleep.
Kris McCracken said…
Priyanka, there was chocolate exchanged.
Kris McCracken said…
Nathalie, upsetting people is my forte. I shall pass on your comment to Ezra.
Kris McCracken said…
KL, three years married, but Jen and I have been together for eight years. You get less for bank robbery!
Kris McCracken said…
Nathalie, I love hot chips very much, which should put things in perspective.
Kris McCracken said…
Magiceye, Jen has been noticeably silent on the matter!
Kris McCracken said…
Babzy, it was an easy poem to write too!
Kris McCracken said…
Lolade, I am going to have to track that song down.
Kris McCracken said…
Irina, the children are okay I guess. The parents are where it's at!
Kris McCracken said…
MDP, three years married, eight years together.
Kris McCracken said…
Jackie, Jen was a vegetarian who smoked and slept in late when she met me.

None of it lasted.
I'm 6 years married, 9 years living together and 11 years since I met my wife.
yamini said…
Here's wishing you a good bout of sleep, whenever and wherever you need it. Amen!!!
KL said…
11 years or 8 years which also includes the three years of marriage? I need to know to calculuate why I can't get more through bank robbery? Calculation involved months, days or seconds? :-D
Kris McCracken said…
MDP, I think that a while living together is a very good thing!
Kris McCracken said…
Yamini, I did well last night.
Kris McCracken said…
KL, we've been together for [nearly] eight years and married for three.
yamini said…
So, the wish is already working. Great!!
Kris McCracken said…
Yamini, slowly it is.
Well its almost Father's Day..I wish I could be as happy as a dad like you.

Your cute baby got your eyes, I must say..
Kris McCracken said…
Francis, it is all in the mind!

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