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Truth! Truth! Everybody keeps hollerin' about the truth. Well, the truth is as dirty as lies.

Yeah, it's Theme Thursday again, and again I'm a bit stuck for words. The picture, no problem. I took this photograph last week as I came into work featuring 10 Murray (which is very much solidifying its presence in my heart), Henry's mate the moon, and some tasty looking clouds. I like the picture a lot, and it features today's theme, ROOF.

But what more is there to say about it?

"A roof is the covering on the uppermost part of a building."

Thrilling stuff.

I will tell you the three things that came to mind when I thought about roofs today (and I'm not promising it to be interesting or funny):

1) I know a bloke who, on his eighteenth birthday - and in a drunken state, (of course) - was taken up to the roof of the local scout hall, bound to a plastic lawn chair with packing tape, and then tossed off in celebration to the delight of a cheering throng.

It went down in local folklore as "a top night".

2) When I was a kid, if you took the television or radio up onto our roof you could pick up Melbourne television stations.

3) The shingles on Australia's most famous roof - the Sydney Opera House - look tacky and dirty in person, surely disappointing the impartial visitor.

God that was dull.


yamini said…
Dull?? Not exactly but definitely needs to be spiced up.
Kris, you are bordering on kindness in ur posts.
We miss the wicked element in the writings.
Kris McCracken said…
Yamini, I've been VERY busy of late, and am struggling to keep up.

Would it spice it up to say that I actually enjoyed the whole spectacle of the descent from the roof?
Tash said…
Not fair - You can write so well AND you can photograph so well. The picture is amazing. The descent tale is funny.
Priyanka Khot said…
was it you? Oh My God! seriously, WAS IT YOU?
yamini said…
U were present there when that roof birthday spectacle happened??

Was the guy okay after that??

And Dnt worry about the writing skills, u would be damn good even if u write in ur sleep, I'm sure. Ever tried that???

As I said the other day, You Rock!!! (I mean it)
yamini said…
And u said busy??

Can I do anything to ease ur and Jen's responsibility with home and kids??

Like bringing either Henry or Ezra to India with me (I would love to have both of them here with me, but for the fear of an an onslaught from you and Jen) :-))

Better still, u let the boys decide on that one!!!
The Silver Fox said…
I, too, want to know. Were you the guy thrown off the roof?
Brian Miller said…
great pic! the thought of sitting on the roof with the tv or radio brings up pleasant memories. was the guy thrown from the roof ok? funny.
Mary said…
waiting for the answer to everyone's question
Wings1295 said…
Not dull. But, um, was the dude thrown off the roof okay afterwards? Yikes! hahahaha
Leah said…
Wait, I didn't think it was dull. Does that mean I'm dull?

I love the photo by the way.
freefalling said…
Oh I dunno.
I like the image of people all over tasmania sitting on their roofs (rooves?) with their teles.
What kind of shows did you pick-up?
Baino said…
Noice roof. You're so mean about the opera house. It's been cleaned and it's all shiny. Gold shenanigins with the guy on the chair. Perhaps not for him!
a. said…
Amazing picture
Even if you didn't write a thing this picture of yours says it all!!

Hi! Kris,
Good thing that I read your other post first!

Kris said,"God that was dull."
LOL!! No! that was funny!
Thanks, for sharing!
LOL!! Leah!
Seriously, really nice photographs!...
Tom said…
but has anybody been tied up and thrown off the roof of the Sydney Opera House?
Kris McCracken said…
Tash, it was very amusing.
Kris McCracken said…
Priyanka, no, it wasn’t me.
Kris McCracken said…
Yamini, it is time that I am struggling with.
Kris McCracken said…
Yamini, VERY busy.
Kris McCracken said…
The Silver Fox, no, it was a far greater mug than I. I was trying to chat up his girlfriend, from memory.
Kris McCracken said…
Brian Miller, the light on the screen was tricky.
Kris McCracken said…
Wings, he didn’t die.
Kris McCracken said…
Leah, no, it means that I am dull.
Kris McCracken said…
Freefalling, for us, it was sport that wasn’t always covered by our pissy two stations. I remember watching some game shows too.
Kris McCracken said…
Baino, I hate the Opera House. The Bridge is impressive, but you can’t even do a proper opera in the Opera House. In the words of teh Internets: EPIC FAIL.
Kris McCracken said…
Annie Ha, thank you!
Kris McCracken said…
Marianna, I should have tried that.
Kris McCracken said…
Books,coffee,etc, hoorah!
Kris McCracken said…
Tom, I can think of a few I’d like to...

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