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The source of a true smile is an awakened mind.

As a point of comparison to the [rather wonderful if I do say so myself] photograph of Ezra posted yesterday, I thought that I'd dig up a photo of a very youthful-looking Henry from way back in the heady days of January of 2007. Here you can see Hank at the same age as the (new) littlest Hobo, sporting a grin that makes you wonder just how much he's had to drink.

To answer a question posed in the comments, I think that Henry has certain features that mark him in close similarity to his mother (it's the eyes, you see, and the milky white skin of a Russian Tsaress). It was perhaps most pronounced when he was a wee bairn, but he still carries a glint of Jennifer everywhere that he goes.

Ezra, on the other hand, I think carries a little more of me in him. He's a good shade or two darker than Henry, which one must assume is a trait picked up from my side. He has darker eyes too (me), and a knowing grin that hints at a depth of character, honour, unabashed masculinity and taut moral fibre that can only be from me! Like myself, he also is an exceedingly humble chap.

I hope that answers the question adequately.


Anonymous said…
Could I request a blog entry or 2 on the clothes that Jen has made for Hen and Ez?

Maybe a highlights package?
Kitty said…
lol, your posts are always so charming.
I was going to say, Ezra looks a LOT like his brother. See how well I know your children? It's a little scary.

I take after my Dad, and my brother takes after our Mother, so for the longest time, I thought that the gender of the children affected which parent they took after. But now I'm all grown up and I know it's not the case!
EG CameraGirl said…
They both look very bright to me. I have no idea where that trait may have come from! (tee hee)
Anonymous said…
I'm with Hallam. She has a real talent. The things that she has made for Evie and Will are just gorgeous.
Priyanka Khot said…
I loved you modesty and unabashed display of modesty while describing Ezra...

I wish that both your boys take the pluses of both their parents... :-)
FRances said…
Kris that picture of henry seems to be along time ago he hasnt many more sleeps till he is 2. Another great picture.
Anonymous said…
That's Henry, yes, no doubt. A very nice smile.
Uma por Dia said…
Kiss :)
Kris McCracken said…
Hallam, it is in the works!

Kitty, well I never [fey brushing away of compliment].

EGTG, I’m guess me...
Kris McCracken said…
Tania, there are knitted pumpkins, tomatoes, donuts and lots more littering the house as I type!

Priyanka, Ezra has a certain ‘Godlike’ beauty. A universal beauty, if you will.

Frances, he’ll be two very soon, and needs to drop the ‘me, me, me’ act, as it is getting stale!

April and Mary Jo, and he still has it!

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