Here is part two of my sop to the angry mob. This one, taken just this morning, is of my smiley baby boy, dear little Ezra™, who really is the sweetest little man on the planet. Guaranteed, if you (in this order and out loud)
- Tickle his hands;
- Tickle his tum;
- Tickle his knees;
- Tickle his feet;
- Tickle his toes;
- Tickle his chin;
- Tickle his cheek; and
- Tickle his nose,
I'm addicted to Ezra.
that is a really good picture as well.
Henry also has his own personality, although I tend to lean toward the Fitzgerald side
Ezra I'm sure will, in time possibly take after one or the other.
If not, he is still impeccable.
I didn't realise it could be this easy to love two little boys so much without ever having met them....
Blognote, I will have to take some more of him then!
Niamh, thank you!
Frances, he is handsome, isn’t he?
Roddy, jeez, get yer hand off it!
Hallam, agreed. Their father is far more attractive.
Boise Diva, it’s a hard habit to break.
Frances, that’s a cruel thing to say.
Dina, good old Ez!