The interview with Paul Keating with Elenor Hall last Monday is well worth a read, if only as a tragic reminder of the dearth of classy insults in politics today, where a chubby private school dust monitor like Costello seems to pass as ‘witty’: “Oh, look, it's just Howard being Howard, isn't it, you know. The little desiccated coconut's under pressure and he's attacking anything he can get his hands on. I mean, look, Brian Burke and Julian Grill, they're the Arthur Daley and Terry of the Western Australian Labor Party, you know. They're like the wallpaper over there. You can't visit Perth without running into them, you know. Well, the thing about poor old Costello, he's all tip and no iceberg, you know. He (laughs), you know, he can throw a punch across the parliament, but the bloke he should be throwing the punch to is Howard. Of course, he doesn't have the ticker for it. Now, he's now been treasurer for 11 years, the old coconut's still s...