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Showing posts with the label deep water

'Tis not every question that deserves an answer.

Underwater hello. Douglas-Apsley Waterhole, Douglas-Apsley National Park. February 2016. Stealing a Q and A again, this time the Garage Sale Meme . Is your phone right next to you, or at least close by? It’s switched off and in a drawer. What windows or tabs are open on your computer right now? Only Opera browser. Three tabs. Is your phone a touch screen? Yes, a Nokia Lumia. Who is the last person to call you? My wife. What was the last movie you watched? Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom . With the kids. What are you doing tomorrow? I’m thinking of climbing a mountain. Are you in a good mood? Pretty much. It’s early, though. Do you think exes can remain friends? It’s highly unlikely. Are you starting to realize anything? That things matter less than you usually think. Do you follow rules or break them? Follow. I am prepared to push against them if there’s an ethical blur. Are you currently looking forward to anything? Japan! We’re head...

One ought to go too far, in order to know how far one can go.

Henry jumps in the the deep end.