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Showing posts with the label money

It is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye.

Even dead trees have been reduced to begging. This one is doing well. Tahune Air Walk, September 2010. The little gold coins are two dollars , the slightly larger one’s one dollar . In the main, I can spot fifty and twenty cent pieces. There must be a few hundred dollars there, at least! I’d happily tolerate a few nicks and bruises if it meant that I was a few hundred off each day. Obviously, if you do spot me in the street and do wish to throw money at me, notes might be a better bet. Fifties or hundreds are especially welcome, but I shan’t turn my nose up at fives , tens or (heaven forbid) twenties . I’m very good like that.

Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.

A van full of money makes its way through Geilston Bay. April 2010. Some days you start work more tired than you left work the day before. Today is one of those days.

...this woman hates me so much...I'm starting to like her.

Here is Henry looking cranky while I try to photograph him colouring stuff in. I had the day off today, so spent the morning colouring in these blob things with Henry, and dare I say it, my efforts to keep inside the lines surpassed Henry's. That said, he's rapidly catching me. Later on, we found ourselves out meeting with some visiting theatrical-types. Of course, the dirt magnets got bored and eventually dragged me off to find something more interesting to do. We ended up charming some tourists from upstate New York, who were so impressed by the Henry and Ezra double act that they showered them with gifts all the way from the good ol' USA! These two could turn out to be effective little money spinners if I just come up with the right idea...

Money, money, money.

"Money, money, money. Always sunny. In the rich man's world. Aha-ahaaa." Wise words from ABBA there. They say that money makes the world go around. I try not to think about money myself, but an eagle-eyed reader pointed out something they noticed while travelling the other day. You can imagine my surprise when I saw the following banknotes... This must be that million dollar smile that people talk about. I knew that Henry had a following in Russia, but this was news to me. If you visit Festisite , you might find something equally amazing.

The deepest depth of vulgarism is that of setting up money as the ark of the covenant

Yesterday evening was pregnastics again, so Henry and I entertained ourselves while Jen was out doing whatever it is that a roomful of heavily pregnant women do when corralled together. Today’s photograph is testament to the fact that Henry was in terrific form. In fact, we managed to cover most of the amusements that have consumed our evenings of late: Dinner Vacuuming Piggy bank emptying Piggy bank filling Singing Dancing Piggy bank emptying Piggy bank filling Reading books: (last night we enjoyed The New Baby , Guess How Much I Love You , Meg and Mog , and The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie ) Piggy bank emptying Piggy bank filling Wrestling Extreme hugs Piggy bank emptying Piggy bank filling Tower building Tower destroying Drumming Forward rolling Piggy bank emptying Piggy bank filling Cubby house building Cubby house dismantling Deep breathing Dessert Piggy bank emptying Piggy bank filling Relaxing You will have probably noted the preponderance of piggy bank-related activities. Yes, H...