Just this morning I spotted the Marine Board building talking to the Hydro building. What were they saying? I'm none the wiser, as I don't speak architecture. I did overhear an enlightening conversation on the bus this morning, that despite best efforts, I couldn't satisfactorily turn into a poem. I was able, however, to utilise my advanced note taking abilities to share with the world the genius that is the Tasmanian public servant. "For me, I need, like , 30 minutes to get ready. Then it takes me, like , 40 minutes to walk from my girlfriend's house to, like , work. Then, like , it's another, like , 40 minutes to walk home after work. That's, like , that's, like , an HOUR every day!" Much to my dismay, this young fellow informed his collegue that he was shifting from his present job - in the Department Education - to a new one, Treasury . May God have mercy on all of us.