Here you can see the view up from Salamanca place to Davey Street. This is where the nobs can be found hob nobbing with other nobs day in day out. The past week I have been snatching moments here and there to revise the old Curriculum Vitae . Revisiting one’s CV and the all important “skills set” is always an experience that I loathe. I’m not sure whether it is the usual cringe that accompanies blowing one’s own trumpet [fnarr fnarr], or whether it is reflective of a deeper cold hard reality. However impressive the list of positions, tasks, roles, responsibilities, actions, functions, actions or achievements looks on paper, the fact of the matter is that I am unable to reconcile the present situation with the unanswerable question as to how I have managed to drift so far away from something that I would much rather be doing? Moreover, after drifting this far with the current, how on Earth does one manage to swim back upstream to get to where one might rather be when the weather looks ...