As you will be aware, those of us here in the Southern Hemisphere entered spring last week. I thought that I would allow you to revisit the dominate landmark of Hobart in order to illustrate what constitutes ‘early spring’ in Tasmania. This was taken this morning at about 7:50 am, yet again out on the fire escape of my workplace. I have featured this same viewpoint once or twice already (well, maybe three or four times), but it looked rather pretty this morning, so I figured that I’d show you again. And I must add my hearty congratulations to sometime commentator Tania upon the birth of what appears to be a colossal son, Will, who topped the scales at 4.7 kilos (10 pounds, six ounces). The Steenholt organic orchard empire will no doubt be short of many a pear and apple over the coming years once this fellow shifts to solids! No word yet on the state of his hair.