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Showing posts with the label hypocrisy

I may be wrong, but I'm never in doubt.

I am not a man of faith, but one must admire the local Anglican hierarchy for renting out a building right next to their local HQ (pictured above) to a nightclub that features events like "topless pool" and the Tasmanian leg of the "Miss Nude Australia Quest". It's that sort of thinking that will once again locate the church at the centre of people's lives! It also represents an excellent example of value adding. You get the rent accrued through reckless debauchery , then hit the punters' guilt over all that filthy and wicked sin . Everybody wins. Next up: wet t-shirt contests in the Holy font!

Dolly Downer is exiting the building...

I can’t really be bothered to enter too much into Alexander Downer’s latest theatrical outburst as he exits Australian politics, as I am more than aware that he's playing the same old kind of politics that he always has. That said, it is nice to see him go out as big a hypocrite as he has been throughout. His quote: "If Mr Rudd doesn't run a candidate in Mayo, well then he's slinking away in a cowardly way and he should be prepared to face up to the judgement of the people of Australia whenever that judgement is called to be made. I think they're treating the people of Mayo with contempt if they're not prepared to run a candidate when they're the Government of Australia." So let me get this straight, the guy who contested (and won) the seat of Mayo in the 2007 election, but whose party lost miserably and looks set for a good stretch in opposition. Perhaps understandably, he doesn’t like the taste of opposition so he bails out early, forcing a by-elect...