The view north from Salmanca Place in the evening, rendered as a 1980s synth-pop album inner sleeve. May 2010. Theme Thursday and I'm in a rush! What a surprise. WRINKLE. Hmmmm. Wrin·kle. Noun . (rngkl) Hmmmm. "1. A small furrow, ridge, or crease on a normally smooth surface, caused by crumpling, folding, or shrinking." Hmmmm. No . "2. A line or crease in the skin, as from age." No . "3. A clever trick, method, or device, especially one that is new and different." Closer . Far closer. "4. A problem or imperfection; a fault." GOT IT! Combine four and three and I can link today's theme with the photo chosen randomly last week. An unsteady hand, low levels of light and an unpredictable bus schedule lead to a series of photographs that exhibited a WRINKLE (that is, WRINKLE as outlined in definition four ). My WRINKLE (see definition three ), was to utilise mediocre significant PhotoShop skills and render said presentable image through a...