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Showing posts with the label big park

To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.

The boy in the bubble just got bigger, twenty three millimetres in three weeks, to be precise. If he continues growing at this rate, I calculate that he will stand TWENTY FOUR METRES TALL by the age of fifty.

Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine.

Some days you just want to swing. And swing. And swing. And swing. And swing. And then swing a little bit more.

Few men desire liberty; most men wish only for a just master.

Boys love balls. June 2010. It's Theme Thursday and I still have two little boys. Two little boys who happen to love BALLs. Big BALLs , little BALLs . BALLs on sticks, BALLs inside other BALLs. FootBALLs , Baoding BALLs, basketBALLs , s o c c e r B A L L s , vollyBALLs, tennis BALLs , Newton's BALLs, John BALL, bowling BALLs, golfBALLs , stress BALLs, goofBALLs, SpaceBALLs, baseBALLs, b i l l i a r d BALLs, paintBALLs, kickBALLs, ping pong BALLs, softBALLs, beach BALLs , the solid interior of a sphere, NerfBALLs, rubber BALLs, eyeBALLs, clackerBALLs, pinBALLs, school BALLs, belle-of-the-BALLs, FoosBALLs, jongleur BALLs, Балі, ТОПКИ, Ben Wa BALLs, 鋼球, Kenny BALL, BALLES, गेंदों, 불알, BALL and chains; you name it, they love it. Suffice to say, we have a lot of stuff that gets wrecked at our place...

A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.

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