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Showing posts with the label art school

If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared.

Tasteful? Hunter Street, Hobart. June 2012. This one was spotted right out the front of Hobart's Art School. Seriously, it was. Tenebrae , Paul Celan We are near, Lord, near and at hand. Handled already, Lord, clawed and clawing as though the body of each of us were your body, Lord. Pray, Lord, pray to us, we are near. Wind-awry we went there, went there to bend over hollow and ditch. To be watered we went there, Lord. It was blood, it was what you shed, Lord. It gleamed. It cast your image into our eyes, Lord. Our eyes and our mouths are open and empty, Lord. We have drunk, Lord. The blood and the image that was in the blood, Lord. Pray, Lord. We are near.