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Showing posts with the label love and marriage

Ads that I like: # 117

In 1922, a group of eminent French scientists definitively established the causal factors behind the mystery that is marriage . It appears that – despite a multitude of philosophers, artists, alchemists, poets and cabinetmakers probing over centuries – women had known the secret all along! It seems that marriages “ are made in the heaven of women's [sic] minds and hearts .” As with most hard science, I am not sure that I fully grasp the A to B . I know that it has something with the bourgeoisie. I know that it has something to do with flushed cheeks. I presume that it relates to triggering that part of the male brain that reacts to a post-orgasmic cutaneous blood circulation in the buccae. The advertisement does not fully explain that part.

Happy anniversary baby, got you on my mind

No it is not a webcam, but this photograph was taken a mere forty-five ago on my way in to work. Here you can see a good old fashioned Hobart autumn morning, with the rain pelting down and me getting drenched. This one was taken on the corner of Macquarie and Elizabeth, while I was waiting for the lights to change. Come on Ampelmännchen ! Today is my wedding anniversary, an apparently I need to be showering Jen with leather -related goodies. Va-va-vaVOOM! To you Jennifer, here is a poem I wrote this very morning. Anniversary I love you i love you iloveyouiloveyouiloveyou I LOVE you I love YOU iloveyouiloveyouiloveyou I LOVE YOU iloveyouiloveyouiloveyou Happy anniversary

Covetousness, like a candle ill made, smothers the splendor of a happy fortune in its own grease.

Yesterday saw a rather misty start to the day. Here is a view from Salamanca of the Telecom [Telstra?] tower with some hills in the background. There is a couple that I know that seem as desperately in love as they were when they first met over twenty years ago. They are deeply committed to each other, treat each other with the utmost respect, and remain as passionate about each other as teenagers. They share all decisions equally , power is evenly balanced between the two, and they truly seem to respect and admire each other as human beings as well as lovers. They tell me that their love life is rich and exciting and that they continue to stimulate each other intellectually and emotionally . It really is enough to make you sick.

The end of a marriage...

I couldn't resist. Another pearler from the crew at Married to the Sea , the champagne of comics .

There is a logic that I cannot see

This will indeed hurt me...