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Showing posts with the label directions

There are bad people who would be less dangerous if they were quite devoid of goodness.

The only way is up. Sandy Bay Road, Sandy Bay. September 2012. Theme Thursday ? AFTERNOON DELIGHTS?!?! Fat chance! If I am lucky I might best hope for a mid-afternoon apple and four minutes of peace and quiet in the early evening while the dirt magnets are in the shower...

An artist cannot speak about his art any more than a plant can discuss horticulture.

A sign from somebody, or something. Franklin Wharf, Hobart waterfront. May 2012. Being Dead by Jim Crace really is unlike any book I have read before. It begins with a straightforward, albeit shocking, image; the bodies of a middle-aged couple lying in the dunes of the seacoast where they met as students. A frenzied stranger has battered them to death them with a chunk of granite for no reason other than the few valuables they have with them. Yet this is no murder mystery. Less about murder and more about death, to be more precise. The reader is than taken on a [very] graphic account of what happens as their corpses lie undiscovered and rotting for a week. We learn of the effects of putrefaction, the role of crabs, flies, and gulls in processing decaying organic matter. The narrative then abruptly shifts backward to the [again, incredibly graphic] moment of their deaths. It’s fair to say that the opening third of the book is not for the faint hearted. The narrative then alternat...

Between us and heaven or hell there is only life, which is the frailest thing in the world.

Walking to work. Princes Street, Sandy Bay. September 2011. I have written a poem. We're not sluts, we just like to fuck Enjoyment is what we value above everything else. Joy comes in types and sizes that suit. We are not sluts we just like to fuck.