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Showing posts with the label cartoon

The person who seeks all their applause from outside has their happiness in another's keeping.

Is it art? Mayfair Plaza car park, Sandy Bay. September 2012. Here is a crop of ten questions for today's Q and A chosen from a neat little randomiser that I designed myself... Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing? At this point, I’m settling. That said, I generally believe in the things that I have to do on a day-to-day basis. I have no problem speaking my mind if work is not being done properly or I find it ethically or intellectually improper. How come the things that make you happy don’t make everyone happy? My gut answer is to blame everyone else (i.e. “because everyone else is wrong!”). I don’t know, probably an inversion of this question might be easier to answer. A lot of people seem to enjoy things that don’t give me much pleasure (i.e. “dining out” or the never-ending parade of new “gizmos and gadgets”). I don’t know. I just like a nice beach, a bit of peace and quiet and something interesting to read. How old would you ...




Great Mates

Christ he's having fun!

The saga continues...

True Story

I doubted her bold claims to being action oriented (given her [ahem] sturdy figure), but by golly, you should have seen her dive for that last piece of cake!

'Splaining things

Back by tepid popular demand!


It's been too long since I've posted a web comic, so today I'm headed back to John Campbell's pictures for sad children , which always seems to catch my mood.

I can see that

John Campbell's pictures for sad children never fails to tickle my fancy (ooh er missus!). This one particularly resonates.

The Brave New World

Having been privy to some rather frank updates on current budget estimates, I think that the low cost option may be more popular in the coming years... [Thanks, of course, to the good folks at Married to the Sea .]

Well I laughed...

An oldie but a goodie from xkcd .

I can empathise

It's been a while since I shared a cartoon, so here you go. For some reason, this one struck a chord with me. It's from Stereotypist , which is well worth a gander.


Look, I know that it was in the Australian Financial Review, but I found it funny.

Intellectuals never sound more foolish than when posing as the last civilised man.

With apologies to any dreadlocked hippie anarchists that I know...

I really should use "GODDAMN" more...

I realise that I haven’t featured a cartoon in a while, so I thought that I’d shared the latest from xkdc , a leader in the art of tragicomic ‘toons. I did enjoy this very much, and would be quite happy to claim this as my own epitaph. Unfortunately my mobile is always switched to silent vibrate (oh er...), and I only ever answer calls from Jen anyway!

Not so much of the force, Luke

A new toon. It's been a few weeks, but I always like to share the one's that make me LOL (I hope that means what I think and not something utterly filthy, you never know online). This one is from Phil at The Rut . I've been following it for a while, and it constantly amuses, so is well worth checking out if you like that sort of thing. I'm not much of a Star Wars fan these days (although I did see Return of the Jedi a few times at the cinema a very long time ago), but always thought that there was something special about C3PO's relationship with R2D2. It's good to see the tenderness translated into all areas. [Note for uninitiated: WD-40 is the trademark name of my favourite 'penetrating' oil, and it's a ripper cleaner and anti-corrosion spray, but best of all is its all round use as a lubricant to all things metal.]

Working blue

Be warned, this cartoon has a touch of 'blue' language. That said, I heartily endorse this message. If you like the 'toons, check out The Rut . It's packed full of them!

There is always a poignancy in little tragedies

You may have figured out by now that I enjoy odd comics. I have linked to a few in the past , and now want to share a new one that I've found and am enjoying. This one is called Pictures for sad children , and is written and drawn by John Campbell. He describes his work as "pretty okay" and "about a bad feeling you get when you are feeling good, or a good feeling you get when you are feeling bad". Thus, these comics may not be appropriate for sad children. Have a look, you'll probably like them.

The chief duty of government is to keep the peace and stand out of the sunshine of the people

I have blogged on Kate Beaton's comics previously . Kate has uploaded a bunch of new comics and I couldn't look past this one featuring a meeting of the minds that we have all been waiting for. Yes, Garfield (the cat) and James A. Garfield (twentieth President of the United States, most famous for being assasinated). I really like her work, so if you are into this sort of thing check it out. [Note, I do like very much how she has continued envisioning Pope John Paul II as a 'boyz in the hood' kind of guy.]