Boys love balls. June 2010. It's Theme Thursday and I still have two little boys. Two little boys who happen to love BALLs. Big BALLs , little BALLs . BALLs on sticks, BALLs inside other BALLs. FootBALLs , Baoding BALLs, basketBALLs , s o c c e r B A L L s , vollyBALLs, tennis BALLs , Newton's BALLs, John BALL, bowling BALLs, golfBALLs , stress BALLs, goofBALLs, SpaceBALLs, baseBALLs, b i l l i a r d BALLs, paintBALLs, kickBALLs, ping pong BALLs, softBALLs, beach BALLs , the solid interior of a sphere, NerfBALLs, rubber BALLs, eyeBALLs, clackerBALLs, pinBALLs, school BALLs, belle-of-the-BALLs, FoosBALLs, jongleur BALLs, Балі, ТОПКИ, Ben Wa BALLs, 鋼球, Kenny BALL, BALLES, गेंदों, 불알, BALL and chains; you name it, they love it. Suffice to say, we have a lot of stuff that gets wrecked at our place...