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Showing posts with the label Coleville Street

You play. You win. You play. You lose. You play.

The prettiest building in Battery Point? Coleville Street, Battery Point. January 2012. Tuesday Q and A and I continue to steal questions from Sunday Stealing. This week I am stealing The Never Ending Meme, Part Three . 36. Have you watched American Horror Story? I’ve never even heard of American Horror Story? 37. Baseball hat or toque? I had to look up the word ‘toque’ (clue: it’s what The Edge from U2 has worn for the past twenty years). I wear neither. If I’m going to wear a hat, I need some protection from the sun, like a slouch hat. 38. Do you shampoo or soap up first in the shower? Shampoo. Usually. 39. Wet the toothbrush or brush dry with the toothpaste? Wet. Every time. 40. Pen or pencil? Pencil. I’m still using a pen without a license. 41. Have you ever gambled at a casino? Not even once. It’s a mug’s game. 42. Have you thrown up on a plane? No. 43. Have you thrown up in a car? Not that I can recall. This does not mean it has never happened though... 44. Have you thrown up at ...

The poor don't know that their function in life is to exercise our generosity.

Spotted outside The Shipwright Arms. Coleville Street, Battery Point. November 2011. So I did this Myers-Briggs thing the other day, and it turns out I am a classic INTJ which pegs me at introversion , intuition, thinking and judgment – which is one of the rarest of the sixteen personality types, and accounts for about 1–4% of the population. Window #1, The Shipwright Arms. Coleville Street, Battery Point. November 2011. Quite correctly, INTJs are referred to as Masterminds , one of the four types belonging to the temperament called the Rationals . The Meyer-Briggs Foundation define us INTJs as Have[ing] original minds and great drive for implementing their ideas and achieving their goals. Quickly see patterns in external events and develop long-range explanatory perspectives. When committed, organize a job and carry it through. Skeptical and independent, have high standards of competence and performance – for themselves and others. Window #2, The Shipwright Arms. Coleville Street, Ba...