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Showing posts from November 25, 2012

Of all noises, I think music is the least disagreeable.

Destiny calls!

There is no wall left to this village.

Flower. Royal Botanical Gardens, Hobart. October 2012. Do bees eat cheese? Do as they please? Do bees have needs? It it quite a tease. Have a proper poem... Lament of the Frontier Guard , by Ezra Pound By the North Gate, the wind blows full of sand, Lonely from the beginning of time until now! Trees fall, the grass goes yellow with autumn. I climb the towers and towers to watch out the barbarous land: Desolate castle, the sky, the wide desert. There is no wall left to this village. Bones white with a thousand frosts, High heaps, covered with trees and grass; Who brought this to pass? Who has brought the flaming imperial anger? Who has brought the army with drums and with kettle-drums? Barbarous kings. A gracious spring, turned to blood-ravenous autumn, A turmoil of wars-men, spread over the middle kingdom, Three hundred and sixty thousand, And sorrow, sorrow like rain. Sorrow to go, and sorrow, sorrow returning, Desolate, desolate fields, And no children ...

If we could just find out who's in charge, we could kill him.

Children can get very grating.

The novel is always pop art, and the novel is always dying. That's the only way it stays alive.

Cliff! Clifton Beach, October 2012. The Devil's Larder , Jim Crace: Sixty-four teeny weeny stories on food-related themes, which also stand as metaphors for life itself. A pleasant diversion. C . The Lucy Family Alphabet , Judith Lucy: Judith Lucy explores the complex relationship she shared with her adoptive parents. Dark, funny and ruthlessly honest, it also stands as a moving tribute to a pair of lunatics. B- .

I think people should be allowed to do anything they want. We haven't tried that for a while. Maybe this time it'll work.

If that is not an awestruck look, I'll go jump in the lake!

What worries you, masters you.

Ezra at rest. Our front yard, Geilston Bay. November 2012. Theme Thursday . WHISPERS. From the Old English hwisperian . Itself from the Old High German hwispalōn . Similar to the Old Norse hvīsla . WHISPERS. Across time. WHISPERS.

Contraceptives should be used on every conceivable occasion.


There is no moral precept that does not have something inconvenient about it.

Hobart in the Spring, Royal Botanical Gardens. October 2012. Wordless Wednesday.

Any girl can look glamorous. All you have to do is stand still and look stupid.

It wouldn't be Henry if there wasn't a bruised knee involved...

The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it.

Signs. Tasman Highway, just off the Tasman Bridge. November 2012. Sunday Stealing and we're still trying to figure out who I am with the series Who Are you? Part 3 & 4 – Is it over yet? 34. What do you consider the most important event of your life so far? Being born seems important. 35. What do you consider your greatest achievement? Not murdering anybody. 36. What is your greatest regret? Not murdering anybody. Not backing myself earlier. 37. What is the most evil thing you have ever done? I've not done anything even remotely 'evil'. 38. When was the time you were the most frightened? When I found out that I was to be somebody's father. 39. What is your best memory? Anything involving sunshine and bare breasts is good. 40. Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic? I'm a rather confusing mix of the two, but with pessimistic leanings. 41. What is your greatest fear? Mutant armour-piercing snakes with short fuses and no time ...

Always do whatever's next.


Prejudice is the child of ignorance.

Sharks patrol these waters. Manly Sea Aquarium, September 2012. As you know, the Internet is a wonderful place filled with the rich and varied treasures of the world holds (and RSS feeds.) The following are some things that I've had a look at in the last week. I call this: a Compendium of Click-throughs for Monday Morning... Fukuyama quizzes Habermas as to what it is to be European . Right up my alley! Phallus. What does war sound like now? How T. Rex Ate Triceratops in 4 Easy Steps. From Gaza to Where? Ouch. Is Our Retro Obsession Ruining Everything?

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.

Hen and Jen ponder the fact that today was our first 'proper' beach swim of the season...

Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper.

Fronds or buds? East Derwent Highway, November 2012. Sunday Top Five and Christmas is coming! Which reminds me, Five Words That Best Sum Up Christmas To Me! Anticipation Ferment Delirium Exhaustion Astringency