You'll find me in Carruthers. New Town, July 2010. As I indicated in the Comments yesterday, there are a number of worthy opportunities for photographs to be found around my new stomping ground here in New Town. Regrettably, prudence demands that I omit a number of such opportunities however. I have already mentioned the girls’ only high school located at the entrance of St Johns Park. Thus, I’ve judiciously avoided snapping away at the young ladies, lest I am labelled a filthy old man with a dubious taste in school uniforms. With Ogilvy ruled out as a subject, the State’s only alcohol and other drug Withdrawal Unit is similarly off limits, in the interests of protecting the privacy of staff and patients. Sadly, the object/subject probably of greatest potential for fascinating tranche de vie – the largest public opioid substitution program dispensary in Tasmania – also belongs in my self-imposed prohibited zone. That said, as the sign at the entrance indicates, there is an eclect...