More smoke! Errol Flynn Park, Sandy Bay. March 2013. Another stolen Q and A from Sunday Stealing: The Basically Obscure Meme-Part 2 . 38: How did you spend Valentine’s day? Much like any other work day. I've never been someone to be told when and how to express my emotions. 39: Do you eat enough vegetables? I think that I do. I eat more than most. 40: Do you like horror movies? How about thrillers? They're okay. I'll be frank though and admit that I've had little time for films in the past six or seven years. 41: Do you like scotch? ? Not particularly. 42: Who is someone you would never swear in front of? I avoid swearing in any work context (unless I'm very sure of the sensitivities of the person that I'm talking to). 43: Coolest thing you've ever seen on Halloween? We don't really have Halloween here in Tasmania. I did like the film, however. 44: If you could change your natural hair colour, would you? To what? I'm happy wi...