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Showing posts with the label Errol Flynn Park

When a thought is too weak to be expressed simply, it is a proof that it should be rejected.

More smoke! Errol Flynn Park, Sandy Bay. March 2013. Another stolen Q and A from Sunday Stealing: The Basically Obscure Meme-Part 2 . 38: How did you spend Valentine’s day? Much like any other work day. I've never been someone to be told when and how to express my emotions. 39: Do you eat enough vegetables? I think that I do. I eat more than most. 40: Do you like horror movies? How about thrillers? They're okay. I'll be frank though and admit that I've had little time for films in the past six or seven years. 41: Do you like scotch? ? Not particularly. 42: Who is someone you would never swear in front of? I avoid swearing in any work context (unless I'm very sure of the sensitivities of the person that I'm talking to). 43: Coolest thing you've ever seen on Halloween? We don't really have Halloween here in Tasmania. I did like the film, however. 44: If you could change your natural hair colour, would you? To what? I'm happy wi...

Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory.

Lunch. Errol Flynn Park, Sandy Bay. October 2012. Wordless Wednesday.

I never learned from a man who agreed with me.

I know boats. Errol Flynn Park, Sandy Bay. September 2012. As you know, the Internet is a wonderful place filled with the rich and varied treasures of the world holds (and RSS feeds.) The following are some things that I've had a look at in the last week. I call this: a Compendium of Click-throughs for Monday Morning... Are Neanderthals Human? Some great photos of life in North Korea. Has the UK seen the end of the stiff upper lip? Yet more REALLY great photos in the National Geographic Photo Contest 2012 . Some interesting thoughts in this BBC piece on child obesity: Why do parents let their kids get fat?

One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important.

Ball in focus. Casino as seen from Marieville Esplanade, Sandy Bay. Theme Thursday again and I'm being asked 'WHAT'S COOKING?'! "WHAT'S COOKING?", I ask myself. WHAT'S COOKING? indeed! Mischievousness, that's what! Casino in focus. Casino as seen from Marieville Esplanade, Sandy Bay.

Since we cannot know all that there is to be known about anything, we ought to know a little about everything.

Chains of love. Marieville Esplanade, Sandy Bay. December 2011. This week's Q and A has been filched from many years ago on Sunday Stealing: The Final Week of 2009 2011 Meme 1. What did you do in 2009 2011 that you'd never done before? I took Henry and Ezra to Melbourne. 2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I don't really do them. I'm trying to be a little more healthy next year. 3. How will you be spending New Year's Eve? In bed. 4. Did anyone close to you die? No. 5. What countries did you visit? Just Australia. 6. What would you like to have in 2010 2012 that you lacked in 2009 2011? A little more peace and quiet. 7. What date from 2009 2011 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? Henry's first day of Kindergarten, because it was... well.... Henry's first day at Kindergarten. 8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? Not killing anybody. 9. What was your biggest failure? Not killing anybody. ...

Ingratitude is the essence of vileness.

We need to talk. Errol Flynn Reserve, Sandy Bay. November 2011. Theme Thursday again and today we are casting our net to try and find an appropriate EVENT. I considered penning an ode to the fellow who appears to have launched his own Occupy Mayfair Plaza Car Park Toilet protest (fair dinkum, he’s been in there for 45 minutes already), but I’m not sure that it really qualifies as an EVENT until the riot police move in with vicious dogs and capsicum spray). In the past week or so we’ve had World AIDS Day , World Day of Persons with Disabilities and International Volunteers Day ; and immediately looming are Human Rights Day and International Migrants Day . However, as we’re amongst friends we can be frank and admit that these thing lack the pizzazz, zing, zest and a host of other zed words that truly constitutes an EVENT. The upcoming Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe has EVENT potential, but unless a rabid band of Guadalupens are planning to throw that virgin into a throbbingly angry ...

No man lives without jostling and being jostled; in all ways he has to elbow himself through the world, giving and receiving offence.

Hello cocky. East Derwent Highway, the Lindisfarne/ Geilston Bay Border. September 2011. The rural and remote health workforce innovation and reform strategy , that’s what I’ve got on today. I was in two minds as to whether to wear the suit or an akubra (with semi-permanent squint and a gratuitous piece of grass wedged between gritted teeth . As there will be doctors involved, best to go with the suit. I couldn’t pull off an akubra anyway... Then I remembered that most of Tasmania is considered 'remote' and relaxed a little.