Whether it is students, friends, or even people I don't like very much, I'm often surprised with the lack of concern, and indeed willingness to justify or explain away, some of Fidel Castro's less savoury actions over the years. Given his recent statement about retirement, yet again there is no shortage of educated, 'enlightened', reasonably intelligent people rushing out in force to pay homage to a man who by any stretch should be no friend to rational, progressive and compassionate people.
Now, of course people are entitled (maybe even obligated) to critique the actions and activities that precipitated the Cuban revolution. However, I personally fail to understand how, in the interests of identifying and condemning the political violence, interference and the poisonous influence of western hypocrisy and hegemony in the region, that so many of the above mentioned people appear to automatically grant a free pass to a fellow and regime guilty of significant abuses against its own people.
There is an interesting discussion around this theme currently underway on at economist Brad DeLong's blog.
The recent attraction to Hugo Chavez exhibited by many who should know better similarly disturbs me. If you look at his approach to domestic and foreign relations, the guy is little more than a bully and fits the standard template of dictator/thug, not really at all a Mandela.