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(My) photo of the day

Another wildlife shot today. This one is of a group of Eastern Rosellas who were having a little meeting out near the airport. It’s not uncommon to see these guys around, and you generally know it because they’re a sociable (i.e. loud) bird.


Neva said…
hmmm ---I guess I never considered that parrots flock together....this is an awesome picture from my point of view!!
Chuck Pefley said…
Those are really pretty birds. Never seen a flock of parrots before.
Helen said…
Great photo. Such beautiful birds - and talk about noisy! A flock on the wing is truly spectacular.
MumbaiiteAnu said…
Great photo. I've never seen more than two parrots together, and that too, only on trees.
Kris McCracken said…
I generally see them paired off, but it isn't too rare to see them in slightly larger groups. We're lucky enough to have a school opposite. It is next to the river and has plenty of greenery, which just draws birds in by the hundreds.

I can't wait for the cockatoos to come back. Seriously, there are hundreds of these guys that graze on the football field in both winter and early summer. I'll definitely be posting of photo of that. The noise, not so pretty...
freefalling said…
I've never heard them described as a flock before (re:above comments), having said that - I've never seen a flock of e. rosellas before - I've only ever seen them in pairs.
I've enjoyed my visit to your blog.
You've got lots to say on lots of stuff!
I'll have to come back for part two at a later date.
Some things that occurred to me while reading your blog:

My great uncle's name is Jack McCracken - we might be related.

I love maps, too.

I wish I had known about your blog a month ago - I was trying to find some information on the Russians in Finland - I saw on a map at the local RSL that Australians had served in Finland and I wanted to know more - could hardly find any info.

Obama creeps me out.

My favourite ad of "Ads That I Like" is #25.

I like the name Albert. Well, Bert. Bert McCracken sounds like a good name from the 1930's, like that footballer Lenny Hayes.

I think you'll find Ramadan is the currency for Indonesia not India.

Henry is the ants' pants.

See ya round.
Ararat Daily Photo,
Bill said…
My what funny colored birds you have down there!
EG CameraGirl said…
Thanks for posting the link so I could read more about them. They sure are a pretty bird! It never occurred to me that parrots are sociable with each other. I though they just liked to tell humans what's what! ;-)
smilnsigh said…
Very colorful!!!

Nice bird's photos!

Love your photo Kris, with your son Henry! Just beautiful!
Ed Mahony said…
Great photo. Parrots ?!
Anonymous said…
Those birds are gorgeous! I don't see many birds of color around in my area (not that I'm birdwatching anyway), and always smile when I see colorful, lively looking ones as these. Thanks for for the pic!

Also, thanks for the comments you have left on my daily photo blogs!
Kris McCracken said…
Well the rosella's are back across the road from us again. I endeavoured to get a nice shot of a family of four today, but a dog kept running on in and scaring them off! I will get them though. As Sun Tzu says, the ox is slow, but the Earth is patient!

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