Today’s photo is a little different in that I am in front of the camera instead of behind it.
This was taken by Jen at lunchtime yesterday, as Henry and I stalked some seagulls on the lawns opposite work. The visit from the home team was a mysterious one, as moves are afoot to dabble in a bit of guerrilla knitting. It may or may not have something to do with the upcoming World Wide Knit in Public Day.
The end result was that I got a break from work to play with the footy, chase seagulls and spend some time with Henry while his mother and another furtive figure went off photographing and measuring things for some unknown reason.
I shall let you know when I know what that’s all about. Tasmanian knitters can find out more at this website.
Hope they had a great knit in public day!!! My daughter is a knitter.
Lucky boy.