I wish that this was my photograph, but it isn't. It is an aerial shot of the city of Pripyat, in the Ukraine. You may not have heard of Pripyat, an abandoned city in the 'Zone of alienation' in northern Ukraine, near the Belorussian border. It was home (amongst others) to the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant workers. The city was abandoned in 1986 following the Chernobyl disaster, its population had been around 50,000 prior to the accident. That's what makes this photo so spooky to me. It is not often that you can see a city where one day, 23 years ago, everybody just upped and left. It must be an eerie experience to wander through the streets today.
I found this image at a website titled simply "Pictures from the sky". If you are into impressive photographs, give it a click and check out some more stunning images.
On a different subject: Saturday was Flag Day in the U.S.
That website shows what power the earth and nature have. Good to reawaken our awe from time to time.
I personally visited the Chernobyl area for two days in June 2006 with a friend and former resident of Pripyat. We toured the Chernobyl Plant (including the Reactor 4 control room), several of the abandoned villages, and Pripyat. I have posted a photo journal of my trip at:
My Journey to Chernobyl: 20 Years After the Disaster
Dina, well said.