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I smell something fishy, and I'm not talking about the contents of Baldrick's apple crumble

I have been meaning to take a photograph of today's subject for some time, but had continually put it off through i) a fear of getting anything worthwhile; and ii) bone idleness.

It is Henry's favourite part of the Salamanca district, the large salmon aquarium at Tasall's Salmon Shop. As I am sure that most people are aware, getting a decent photograph of fish in an aquarium is a tricky business. This is compounded when you are dealing with an unlit aquarium, as is necessary with a fish like the noble salmon.

This one was taken yesterday, one of just four as I had to keep an eye on what the little bloke was up too. I have worked a little magic with the very compact "Microsoft Office Picture Manager" (an underrated little photo fiddler). Technically, it isn't much of a photo, but I am sure that you get the drift of the salmon.

What has surprised me is the number of people here in Hobart who haven't paid a visit. I would encourage you all to, as it is a cool setup, and with no proper aquarium in town, it is the closest thing you will get here. Also, the salmon shop itself is always offering tasters, with everything from smoked salmon with peach, to salmon sausages!


ptowngirl said…
Wow, salmon sausages! That's definitely something different, but I would be game to try it -- I LOVE salmon! I feel your pain regarding taking photos of aquariums -- looks like you got a pretty decent shot though!

freefalling said…
FINALLY, a title I understand!
Anonymous said…
I do visit and I do comment and I was here. I did look at your picture(s) and I did read what you wrote about them. I could say how great you are and how beautiful your work is but alas I would soon run out of things to say on the next blog I visited, so I just left this to prove I stopped and said a few words on Sunday.

My Rheumatoid Arthritis hurts so I am using the same message for all.
Kris McCracken said…
I haven't been brave enough to taste the fish sausages, but Henry did and didn't seem to mind it. He always has a bite to eat in there. Free salmon every time, you've got to like that! They do cooking demonstrations too, and always pass around the food for tasting.

FF, I must get around to re-watching Blackadder!
nobu said…
Salmon!! I love it too!
Anonymous said…
This is a very beatiful photo.
I wish I could take good pictures from my aquarium.
Louis la Vache said…
Kris, "Louis" saw your comment at Jerusalem Hills Daily Photo. "Louis" is shocked, SHOCKED!, that you didn't offer up those napping felines as shark bait!
Anonymous said…
Hey Louis la Vache, go easy on Kris. Those Aussie sharks might just eat cows too. LOL
Hey Kris, hope you and Jen like my post of just now, inspired by your "Nefarious Knitters" and WWKiPD.
Kris McCracken said…
Louis, I am a bit of a cat fancier really. Who couldn't admire a beast that you groom, feed and shelter for its whole life yet it still looks at you with utter contempt?

I haven't heard of shark versus cow, but I did see some photographs of a crocodile nabbing an unfortunate buffalo up in the Northern Territory once.

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