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I don't want to achieve immortality through my work... I want to achieve immortality through not dying.

Not altogether unrelated to the photo posted yesterday, early this morning young Ezra peed all over me (and the bed) for the first time ever. Anyone who has experienced the joy of young boys will no doubt be aware of the magnitude of such an event.

Indeed, I have been surprised, shocked and somewhat saddened that it has taken nineteen days for this to happen. Henry weed on me on his very first day outside the womb (and very often afterward, I think he took it on as a personal crusade).

Given the frequency of Ezra’s feeding, and the seemingly endless supply of milk, I would have expected this to have happened far sooner. The hard evidence of a mountain of full nappies clearly demonstrates that everything down stairs is going along great guns. Like the hose of a fire truck, he demonstrated good technique with an excellent, lasting flow (which in all honesty I didn’t think was going to end).

I shall keep everybody updated as to whether the lad can break Henry’s sterling effort of urinating on me FIVE times before nine o’clock in the morning, set in January of 2007.

[Note: I should also add that this photograph was not taken by my good self, it is the work of the love of my life, the wonderful Jennifer!]


Kitty said…
this fellow is so lucky to have such awesome baby pics. Imagine him later on, when he can appreciate photos, looking over tons and tons of shots?

Unknown said…
What a lovely shot of Ezra. Good job Jennifer!

And Kris, hilarious post as usual. No matter what you write, I always enjoy the humor that comes through. And it sounds like life has much happiness to offer you these days. Good for you!

I met a new friend at work today visiting from our location in Sydney, Aus. I thought of you even though you're not in Sydney. Still... ;O)
• Eliane • said…
LOL! Very funny post. And such a lovely picture.

The title... Woody Allen?
Priyanka Khot said…
Great post! Hilarious and i loved the passion with which you explained the importance of the action and the place it holds in ur heart!

Looking forward to more Ezra stories!

Love to Henry!
Isadora said…
We would very much like to see a photo of your lovely wife, Jennifer one of these days. The young master on the other hand, is pondering great and significant things, it appears.
So the young fireman was handy with his hose. LOL MB
Marie Reed said…
Seeing Ezra makes me want to have another bambino! He's a little gem!
Unknown said…
Ezra's so lovely!

How many times have he peed on you? :-)
Anonymous said…
I smiled when I read that sentence. It has happened to me too and I am just the father.

Have been dealing with RA in my hands. The chemotherapy drug doesn't get rid of the pain so it has been hard to type.

Abraham Lincoln
Brookville, Ohio
blackie said…
See this is what scares me a little about the prospect of spawning a male. Phoebe has never weed on me. However, she did do a crap on Stan in the bath the other day which trumps any weeing, I'd wager.
Louis la Vache said…

Re your comment Chez Louis - no least while "Louis" was there!

"Louis" appreciates that you are keeping your world-wide audience posted about your splendid children!
magiceye said…
expression so well captured!

love your humor!
Poor Ezra. Being the little brother means you have such big standards to live up to. Good luck on peeing on your father five times before breakfast. I know you can do it!
5 times before! Oh we mean peeing. Some record and an olympic sized challenge for Ezra. O'm sure he can rise to the gauntlet being thrown. Glad to see you have retained you sarcastic edge.
Kris McCracken said…
Kitty, that's why I first started uploading pictures and videos of Henry, the got into adding more text. It has always been about 'tracking' where we are all at as a future reference point as much as anything else!

Thien, she's not bad with the camera in hand (a bit slow in pulling the trigger, I always tell her though!) Thanks for the kind words.
Kris McCracken said…
Elaine, Woody Allen is correct!

Priyanka, I've passed on your message to Henry (he is looking coy).

Isadora, there are a few shots of Jen around this place. Few and far between though, she isn't keen at looking at herself!
Kris McCracken said…
Small City Scenes, I would be happy if he wants to be a fireman.

Marie, cute babies seem to have that effect!

Keropak Man, Ezra has peed on me just the once. Henry must have at least fifty times!
Kris McCracken said…
Abe, I don't know why, but Henry prefered to pee on his father, his mum hardly ever copped it!

Blackie, well, Jen copped the floating mustard poo from Henry in the bath once. I think I'd rather the pee.

Louie, they do seem to have attracted a fan base!
Kris McCracken said…
Magiceye, thanks!

Boise Diva, I think that he can do it too. His problem is that we are no changing him every twenty minutes, as we were when Henry first arrived! (Eager first timers and all.)

Babooshka, I was thinking of entering both lads in the Olympics. We were exploring an Isle on Man link to get into the team, but you know, red tape!
Julie said…
Surely it was "loose" rather than "hard" evidence that you found in the nappy.
Kris McCracken said…
Julie, yes Ezra is still firmly in the ‘loose’ stage of evidence re. nappies. Forensic tests on Henry’s nappies, however, have determined categorically who ate all the grapes!

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