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The Bird of Time has but a little way to flutter — and Lo! the Bird is on the Wing

Here is a bloody great big clock that can be found at the top of the General Post Office building in Hobart's CBD. I've shown it twice before, although both were night shots, the second showcasing Hobart's crepuscular beauty (did you see what I did there?). It's a good looking building, only slightly marred by the constant presence of smokers all down the footpath directly out front, and steps leading in.

I am not a fan of smokers. A particularly nasty sub group are the smoker-spitters. The smoker-spitter is the fellow that you imagine doesn't like the taste much, so alternatively sucks long and deep on his gasper, exhales, and then summons up all the crap that has built up in his lungs and beyond and spits it out, usually right in front of him. Nice, I know.

Ezra just farted.


blackie said…
If there was a smokers season a la duck season, I would consider buying a gun. I really don't understand why anyone still smokes. Yes I understand addiction and blah blah but it is ugly and makes you stink, not to mention kills you and maybe others too. And they are so bloody righteous about their right to smoke. Gah, it's all going to hell in a handbasket. I don't really think that saying applies but I've always wanted to use it so just pretend it does.
Unknown said…
this might sounds gross. (but i am curious. haha...)

Does Ezra's fart smell good or bad? LOL..
Dina said…
Just for fun I clicked on your "gross" label and was surprised to find only 3 such posts. LOL
The building is impressive. And Kris, I do like the way you tell things like they are.
Uma por Dia said…
I'm not a sokers fan either! LOL
Beautiful capture.
Anonymous said…
I am a reformed smoker and absolutely HATE smoking and hubby has quit 36 days ago and it is fantastic and we love the clean air here in tassie(we have been here 5 years)
KL said…
Nice old architecture. Yes, I saw your use of the word. Congratulation :-).
freefalling said…
Just sitting here on a Sunday morning with "Hillsong" on the tele(!!??)
Come on!
You HAVE to have thoughts on HILLSONG.
A post, yes?
Congratulations on your crepusculation. For me the word was susurration and when I used it in a book I wrote everyone said take it out, no one knows what it means, it's a ten dollar word in a book full of forty-centers. But I left it in, HA, and my book has sold over 200 copies. Tintinnabulation is my next challenge and I feel better for having used it even here in this comment.
USelaine said…
Are you suggesting that Ezra is already making editorial comments? About smokers yet?
Kris McCracken said…
Blackie, on my more misanthropic days, I advocate a novel form of policing that involves snipers on roofs and headshots for poor social behaviours: jaywalking, littering, spitting, smoking in the wrong areas. I firmly believe that it wouldn’t take long to “correct” these deviations.

Keropok Man, I would say that Ezra’s fart doesn’t smell like anything much really. A bit ‘buttery’ perhaps? Breastfed babies generally smell nice.

Henry, on the other hand...

Dina, I don’t think that “radio shock jock” would be beyond my reach...
Kris McCracken said…
Mary Jo, I’ve never met a non-smoking fan of smokers. Filthy habit!

Niceglassofred, congrats to the hubby. He’ll get the benefit in the long run.

KL, this is one of the more impressive architectural features of Hobart, that’d for sure. Only mildly ruined by the smokers.
Kris McCracken said…
Freefalling, I hope that I have answered your question adequately!

Benjamin Madison, your book has sold 200 more copies than all of mine put together! I do like that notion of a ten dollar word, I think that I just might start using that myself.

Interestingly enough, I have heard tintinnabulation used a couple of times, by a political scientist looking to describe the odd effect of too many conflicting ideological certainties at once. I think that it is a good word for it.

Another word I like to throw around for the hell of it is “phallologocentrism”. Derrida is a great source of harebrained words.

USelaine, as soon as Ezra came out, he was making editorial comment. My boys are renowned for their strong sense of opinion!

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