I realised that I have failed to post anything regarding Henry's birthday presents and his new found vocation. Let me correct that immediately! As you can see in the above photograph, on the morning of his birthday, Henry awoke to find his father almost complete in the construction of his very own stove!
Inspired by the work of Jamie Oliver, although much more similar in temperament to Gordon Ramsay, Henry (or Henri as he now insists on being called), has turned our living room into his own little Hell’s Kitchen. Barking orders left, right and centre, Henri has been churning out some rather fine examples of the culinary arts for the past week.
As any follower of haute cuisine will doubtless already know, the stakes are high in the modern, ultra competitive world of cookery. After less than a week, La maison de Henri has already picked up not one, but two Michelin stars. He’s been invited to compete in the world famous 料理の鉄人 (more commonly known as the Iron Chef) and has two or three reality TV shows in the works.
I have great respect for the little bloke and all of his achievements, but I fear the negative influence of some of the more extreme television programs that can be seen around the globe. Case in point, upon showing him the Elmo cake, he let loose a stream of expletives, pushed me, and told me that I should be “f$%ng embarrassed showing people that”. He then threw his chef’s hat on the ground in disgust, took his shirt off, swore some more and then stormed out in a huff.
Besides cooking skills will be appreciated by his partener one day:D
He’s very metrosexual, my Henry!
USelaine, I blame Gordon Ramsay. I’m endeavouring to steer him to Jamie Oliver, who is a far more pleasant chap.
Emmanuel, Henry is a good cook, he is just very pushy! ;)
Dina, the apron was a birthday gift made especially for him by a good friend of Jen’s. He loves to wear it.
Priyanka, it wasn’t too much work assembling it, but I am glad he likes it so much!