A little under four months and look at Henry show off that neck strength. Magnificent!
There is something a little odd about having children about the place, if anyone had of bragged to me about one's ability to lift their head, count to three or sleep through the night, I'd have repeated my [admittedly in poor taste] response to talk of the 'Special Olympics': "what's so special about it? I can do all of those things".
Now though, it's not so uncommon to find me boasting about a particularly impressive burp, or wax lyrical about another human being informing me that they've done a poo.
It's like a strange sort of brain damage, and I'm not sure if it a wholly good or bad thing.
Both of them look adorable in the pics u've posted...
hope Henry has a great birthday tomorrow.
We used to call the head-raising baby thing "Up periscope!"
Priyanka, Henry had a good day. I will post on it soon.
Dina, I'm going through them with two at different stages now, one still for the first time and two with some point of comparison. Both remain mind-blowing.