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The fate of our times is characterized by rationalization and intellectualization and, above all, by the disenchantment of the world.

Meetings, meetings, meetings, meetings, meetings, meetings, meetings, meetings, meetings, meetings, meetings, meetings, meetings, meetings, meetings, meetings, meetings, meetings, meetings, meetings, meetings, meetings, meetings, meetings, meetings, meetings, meetings, meetings, meetings [repeat to fade].

Christmas time is here again and it seems that everybody (and their dog) wants to avoid any actual work and cram in as many meetings as possible. Like lemmings to a flame, they seem secure in the knowledge the holiday period will not satisfy their craving for inspiring [tedious], engaging [pointless], high-quality [ghastly] MEETINGS.

Being an innovative and resourceful chap, I have already reflected upon this quandary. Out of this contemplation, I have set up a number of structures to meet the gaps that are evident in the upcoming few weeks. Accordingly, I have tabled a number of agendas as follows:
  • Ezra will chair the Quality and Safety Committee.
  • Henry will chair the Children’s Working Group.
  • Jen will chair the Linkages Subcommittee.
  • I have accepted the nomination to chair the Grievance and Discipline Reference Group.

Of course, a number of priority actions are already on the agenda of all of these groups, primarily concerning the establishment of a number of working groups (under the watchful gaze of Ezra, Henry and Jen), to explore and exploit the possibilities for more steering committees, reference bodies, implementation units, review panels; not to mention the immediate formation of a strategic response body to organise the catering for all committees, working groups, subcommittees, reference groups, units and panels.

I figure that all of this will provide us with ample work to avoid do throughout the festive season. As you can imagine, we’re all quite excited at the prospect of more meetings, and I have already got the lads sharpening pencils in preparation. Jen is well into drafting multiple terms of reference for us to argue about and I expect to exit January with a big ol’ bunch of recommendations, priorities and actions that will sit on the shelf an gather dust for years to come!


smudgeon said…
To me, there's not a phrase in the English language that inspires more tedium & angst than "steering committee". Insipid.
Tash said…
Meetings are things to do during working hours so that non-working hours can be spent doing I know why everyone wants more & more meetings toward year end.
Jules said…
I am on holidays and so are the girls and the only meetings we have are about: when to eat, when to sleep, when to go to the beach, when to weight-board etc etc - life is tough!!!!!
Anonymous said…
You forgot the meeting to discuss the meetings. They are good at scheduling those up here.
I've really tried to turn all "Meetings" into teleconferences - so you can dial in, appear to be "there," but really be off doing far more important things.
blackie said…
yep, i'm disenchanted. most days i feel like i'm the chair(wo)man of the board, treasurer, secretary, director, worker bee, general shit-picker-uperer and fixerer of all things animal, vegetable, mineral, physical, spiritual, ethereal. I try to interface with myself over tea and biscuits but i just find my brain wandering to thoughts of being lost at sea in the little boat at the start of In The Night Garden. Perhaps i should swap the biscuits for cake, maybe that would work. Ah bugger, I forgot to type up those minutes...
I'm with you on meetings (to the power of X); it's been a bit like that over here, too, at work--save for the formation of the committees that you have dictatorially set up to steer affairs...and gather dust:-D
Kris McCracken said…
Me, I have had some measure of revenge in my current role as CEO: I’ve managed to eliminate TWO weekly meetings and withdrawn involvement on a number of pointless steering committees (all steering with no-one rowing)!

Tash, and I HATE them!

Jules, not so much fun when they still poo their pants though...
Kris McCracken said…
Mo, there are a lot of those here too. I got an invite on Tuesday to a meeting with the sole focus of “discussing a potential group that will discuss a discussion paper”. Fair dinkum, you couldn’t make this stuff up!

Diva, I sit in on a few of them where I have had to ask people to turn the sound off their computer because they are clearly playing “Snood”.

Blackie, I’ve been disenchanted since the age of about four. It’s hard work...

Emmanuel, a new trick that I discovered was to send a representative in my absence. If only I had more staff!

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