After the adventure climbing the mountain, yesterday the lads and I opted for a more sedate walk into Lidisfarne village to pick up some milk, fruit and veggies. Here you can see the view of the Tasman Bridge from atop the highway overpass.
So yesterday we were all feeling pretty good. That is, we were until we heard the Australian team announced for the third test. It is difficult to follow your team when there are so many nobs in it. It is difficult to follow your team when the selection policy lacks clarity at times.
It is difficult to follow your team when the selectors keep sticking with Matthew Hayden and bloody Brett Lee, despite both doing nothing of late to warrant selection. They keep picking Symonds despite a) not having scored a run all summer; b) not being able to bowl; and c) not being able to stop getting on the piss all the time. His Queensland teamates can't stand him, but hey, "he's a good team man", even moreso when the team is full of nobs.
But yesterday was the final blow for this household, to pick Doug "the big bald mug from New South Wales" Bollinger over Ben "the stud from Tasmania's North West Coast" Hilfenhaus was too much. I won't even mention the fact that they've chosen a ginger too. This really is the lowest point for Australian cricket since the time Richard Soule was overlooked in favour of Ian Healy. You know it is a low when I am agreeing with Graeme Smith and barracking for South frigging Africa!
We have so many fit, young talented and (especially) attractive cricketers down here in Tasmania, we've won the Shield and one day finals in recent years, and yet the still won't pick us!
I've run the rule over the side and can see no reason why George Bailey can't come in for Clarke, Tim Paine can't replace Haddin, Luke Butterworth couldn't have replaced Symonds. Brett Geeves should have replaced BLee at the start of the summer, and choosing Siddle over Hilfenhaus is a complete and utter JOKE.
So Henry, Ezra and I are giving up.
We shall be boycotting the Australian cricket side because of the apartheid-like policies against Tasmanians. What is more, we are advocating the cessation of the state of Tasmania (changing the name back to Van Diemen's Land, of course), and making our own way in the world!
Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo. Happy 2009!
A Pinay In England
Your Love Coach
I, Woman
And I think you migt have missed the influence of the Ford adds - if you are in them you cant be dropped unless you cant walk!
Monique Brumby can write our anthem, and we can declare war on Andrew McDonalds house...I'm excited!
USelaine, there is nothing silly about a silly mid on, fine leg, or short backward square!
Joy, it has already ruined 2009! Ruined, I say!
Miles, Ponting can stay in NSW if he likes, he’s not welcome back here the way that he dumped poor Kelly from Prospect in favour of some jumped up little strumpet from Wollongong!
KL, she is as interested in cricket as I am knitting.