Some time ago I had an acquaintance who was – at that time – involved with a much older woman who treated him abominably. She would curse at him in public. She would mock his lovemaking abilities in front of mutual friends. She flaunted her (numerous) external dalliances as if they were a virtue. She hit him, bit him, and scratched him. She routinely emptied his bank account to purchase gaudy baubles and trinkets, only to proclaim them “tat” and ridicule his inability to fund more luxurious possessions. One day, she up and left him without a word.
“Cheer up old son,” I said to him, “you’re better off without her.”
“But you don’t understand,” he pleaded, “they were the best years of my life. She made me so happy.”
He was in love, you see.
it is a happy one i am sure as you have two adorable cute babies to prove.
Priyanka, I'm not sure Jen would appreciate me sharing that one.
Let's just say that I played my part as the 'unknowing' prey very well.