Here is a photo from a bit further back to give you an sense of scale.
The Love Boat was quite popular in my household. As a family that had a tradition of seafaring, it gritty, realistic portrayal of life at sea appealed to the salty sea dogs that are the McCracken clan.
My brother had a theory that Bartender Isaac Washington had bedded more ladies than Wilt Chamberlain. The reasoning behind this was that he was so slick with the one liners, could handle any cocktail request thrown at him, and was essentially unflappable despite the shenanigans around him that his essential goodness would mean that he was just so darn nice to reject a lady who propositioned him, as it was all about making their holidays something special.
You just don't see professionalism like that these days, and more is the pity.
What size hole in their script do you think they could have sailed their ship through?
I guess it was worth a laugh though, just like the Poseidon Adventure.
That said, Isaac has something special and even I'd consider a night of passion with his tender, loving hands.
How remiss of me.
Up close and personal with everyone.
So did Peg Putt.