With Ezra's foray into The Sorrows of Young Werther, Henry was feeling a little put out so has started to explore Daddy's extensive library on the works of one G.W.F. Hegel.
So Saturday afternoon, when Jen was out knitting, he starts on about Elements of the Philosophy of Right, and was asking me what defines the actualisation of freedom. I said that I doubted that history had an actualisation point and wanted to leave it at that, but then he started on about what it was to lead a 'moral life', so I asked him what it was to lead an 'ethical life', and then Ez got started on the unity of being and nothing which Henry confused with the master-slave dialectic and things were just getting out of hand, and I was rapidly getting a headache.
We did however, find some common ground regarding the owl of Minerva, that is, its big eyes made it appear quite cute.
That said, Schiller, Herder and Fichte were all mightier word smiths than ol' GWF!
The owl of Minerva and the owl out of Meg and Mog are my two favourite owls.
Do you think Marx got it right?
Kant is confusing.
Marx could turn a phrase, but maybe was a little too certain for my tastes.
Though he looks a little tired here...could it be all that mail delivery getting to him???
It must be a real struggle for him to cope.