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Disbelief in magic can force a poor soul into believing in government and business.

Here you can see Henry's very best friend just last night. Yes, it is the moon.

So Theme Thursday is upon us again and the theme actually has nothing whatsoever to do with anything lunar, space, sky or suchlike. The theme - as I am sure that you have guessed already - is EGG.


Yes EGG.

You see, when I look up at a nice moon like that, in a clear dark sky, I think of the precious little EGG that cute little babies are before that filthy little tadpole appears and turns into a baby.

I have this whole notion of the egg sitting there in the womb uterus cervix pancreas – wherever it is that eggs sit in a lady's tum – and it sits there and glows like the moon in a dark sky. It’s a very romantic notion of a lady's reproductive system I think, and doesn’t involve blood or amniotic fluid. Maybe any stray stars can be platelets of something...

Anyway, at some point I imagine my two young fellows were once lovely little moons eggs lurking within their mum, waiting all the while to hatch.

Thus the little blokes began.

Above here is a nascent Henry-saurus Rex getting a bit feisty within his mother’s womb at around nineteen weeks gestation. Isn’t gestation a romantic word?

Here is dear, sweet little Ezra at something like eleven weeks development (a much lovelier word than gestation), don’t you think that he already looks like his father?

So now I have these two fit, hunky young fellows that kick me in the head, pee on me and shout the house down, I remind myself that they were once quiet and glowing little moon eggs, sweet as the shimmering moon in the sky!


Colette Amelia said…
similar thoughts as I. lovely! give those two lads a hug for me.
USelaine said…
Yup, Henry has the looks of mom, Ezra of dad. Fun to see these.
Tom said…
yeah, they are always cute at one time or another, then they grow up!
But that's good too. Happy Thursday.
Ronda Laveen said…
That filthy little tadpole made very beautiful babies. Moon or no moon. Right now, at this time, the focus is on the "egg moon," a part of our moon phases. Lovely.
Roddy said…
I agree with Elaine. Henry is Jen.
Ezra however is a younger version of his grandfather. Aren't you lucky, This makes you your fathers image. Looks like Hallam may be right .
KL said…
I thought you were going to say something about the Easter. Nay! I should have guessed by now after reading so much of your blogs that you were going to say something entirely different!!!

Absolutely lovely and classic photo. But has anything happened to Ezra? In the last couple of photos he is not smiling!!!!!!!..........
Candie said…
First yes about the title!

Then your son's best friend is my best friend too!

Then lovely pictures,reminds me of my pregnancy.It's beautiful!

Your kids are beautiful!Sure you might take some shots about them eating chocolate over the weekend,no?

Happy Easter!
Brian Miller said…
lol. kids are so fun! great pic of the moon! your title is very thought provoking. good play
Wings1295 said…
Love the pics! Beautiful kids! :)
California Girl said…
Your little eggs sure good lookin' now!
Tess Kincaid said…
That little Henry egg sure does look like his daddy!! Beautiful post.
Anonymous said…
Pancreas. PANCREAS? but seriously; great post, Kris. And enjoy your Easter with the family!
Your boys are lucky to have you as a dad (and you lucky to have themlol)...always nice reading your TT posts lol

Take care
peace and love
freefalling said…
Is Ezra ever so slightly, sneering?
Baino said…
Oh Kris, I love the look on Ezra's face, he's like a little old man! Amazing ultrasound pics too. Mine were not clear at all and I couldn't identify a baby in there! Nice take on eggyness!
Kris McCracken said…
USelaine, Henry looks like Lenin, Ezra Stalin.
Kris McCracken said…
Tom, my boys will be handsome young studs, I reckon!
Kris McCracken said…
Ronda, poor tadpole.
Kris McCracken said…
Roddy, don’t even try it.
Kris McCracken said…
KL, I said something about Easter today.
Kris McCracken said…
Candie, Jen loved being pregnant. If she had her way she’d be pregnant all the time.
Kris McCracken said…
Brian, SOMETIMES kids are fun. Sometimes they’re like an itch you can’t reach.
Kris McCracken said…
California Girl, and louder!
Kris McCracken said…
Willow, I think he does.
Kris McCracken said…
subtorp77, the good ol’ pancreas is the sexiest of all organs.
Kris McCracken said…
Marianna, sometimes they’re lucky.
Kris McCracken said…
Freefalling, it’s the Stalin in him. He’s cranky today!
Kris McCracken said…
Baino, an angry old man! We have more of Henry than Ez, they gave us CDs with plenty of shots.
Kris McCracken said…
Priyanka, I know!
Mrsupole said…
I'm not sure exactly if I understand the title, but I like it. I am still trying to figure it out. I think it means this then that.

Oh well, the moon picture is fantastic.

Those are some really good pictures of the boys in the tummy, I like your description of the babies in the tummy. And the eggs waiting to be found to be your little boys was pretty awesome.

Now as to which one looks like you, hmmm, I'm not telling......

Thank you for sharing. God bless.
Ed & Jeanne said…
Ha! Looks like you've got much bigger eggs now! Wait until they are teenagers...they'll scramble YOUR head...
tony said…
You & Yours Have A Fine Easter
Dina said…
Aww Kris, this is so sweet how you explain and illustrate the mystery!
Reyjr said…
lol. it's an egg! two eggs. haha!

Happy Easter Kris!
Kris McCracken said…
VE, they already do!
Kris McCracken said…
Tony, it has been tolerable.
Kris McCracken said…
Dina, is it true?
Kris McCracken said…
Reyjr, eggs EVERYWHERE! No duck foetuses though…
Dakota Bear said…

As always I love to hear about your cute boys. This is a clever way of introducing them again in the theme.
Kris McCracken said…
Dakota, they sneak in to EVERYTHING!
yamini said…
Ez seems to be thinking "Why is this camera poked at our face all the time? Not a moment of relief to us..."
To that I would only say, "Dear Ez, it is just not easy being a dashingly handsome superstar in this world... You make so many hearts go a flutter around the world :))"
Love to both Henry and Ezra.
Hi! Kris and baby Ezra,
Ahh! my 4th visit to your blog and I finally, hear Mums, and meet Henry and Ezra.
Nice! thoughts, on the moon, eggs,(When it comes to the reproductive system) and your children.
Kris, Thanks, for sharing!...I hope that you and your family had a vey nice Easter holiday too!

Deedee ;-D

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