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The liberated, sensual curve suggested by the possibilities of new technology yet so often recalled in venerable old baroque churches.

Although it's not a wet and eager Bo Derek slowly emerging from the surf in a one piece and simply dripping with charm, I firmly believe that the above glamour shot of Ezra is very much worthy of a 10.

You see, it's already Theme Thursday again, and this week's challenge was the word TEN.

In the spirit of the motion picture about a horny middle-aged man from 1979, Ezra and I decided to do a photo shoot in a style that I like to call "late-70s Playboy". Customarily, this would involve an interior shoot on carpet, with broken sunlight swathed across a curvaceous brunette wearing little more than a smile and a strategically placed prop. Whether or not you have Brian Ferry records gently crooning off in the corner is entirely up to you.

In the interest of good taste though, coupled with the fact that I am certain that Jennifer would refuse (and probably storm off), I decided stick on some Roxy Music and go with a [somewhat] dressed and slightly less curvilinear – but no less attractive – baby.

This I present to you my very own perfect TEN, Ezra.


KL said…
Yipee...I am first today :-). Yes, a definite ten. 100 out of 10 actually.
Colette Amelia said…
so cute, so nice to see a father so totally enthralled, in love, besoted, dazzled with his family!

Lucky lads, lucky jen!
Dakota Bear said…
Ezra is definitely a ten. Good choice!
Megan said…
He's a looker, all right.
Kris McCracken said…
KL, oddly enough, in the film "10", Bo Derek is rated an "11". Why call it "10" then?
Kris McCracken said…
Colette, you should hear me when he wakes everybody up at 2 am...
Kris McCracken said…
Dakota, it wasn't hard really!
Kris McCracken said…
Megan, I wonder where he gets it from?
Roddy said…
Have you looked deep into the gene pool? Italian, Irish, Scottish and who knows what else! Celtic/Italian. What a mix.
Priyanka Khot said…
you are responsible for shrinking my vocab to a bare minimum. every time I come to post a comment all I can think of is... "ooooooo so adorable...."

your writings are a different matter altogether... u are a master with forming a connect between things that on the surface would seen absolutely unconnected. Kudos. :-)

You are spot on to say that Ez is a perfect 10 :D
Kris McCracken said…
Roddy, Henry like Hawaiian/Japanese girls. And Russian/Finnish girls. And Cherokee/Spanish girls. And Indian/Mexican girls.
Kris McCracken said…
Priyanka, both my boys are 10s, I think!
Ronda Laveen said…
I think you err in a couple of concepts. First, Ezra could very possibly be "wet." Second, he could equally be "eager" for a bottle or jar of goo. Third, he could definitely be dripping (refer to "first" comment).

I love the "shooot" done in the stylized 70's genre. Great post as usual. Hugs to kiddies.
yamini said…
The look on Ez's face is that of someone who wouldn't care any lesser. That goes with the whole idea of the glamourous photo shoot, i guess...

And yes, the pic is successful, never mind the little less curvilinearity (hope I wrote it right?)
Mrsupole said…
Ezra makes Bo Derek look like a 5 or less. I think you should give him a 20 or more.

The picture of him is so cute. I love the pictures of babies and when they reach the terrible two's, just remember that someday they will be in the Tweens and then the Teens. This is the best time to enjoy them. You will someday look fondly back upon getting up at 2 am and wish those days were back. Good news is they then become adults and you will know them again. My youngest will be 32 this year. Oh, I cannot believe how time flies. This picture will someday be a treasure.

God bless.
No. I would say it is more of a...10+ lol

tut-tut said…
Such a cutie! A 20, surely!
Brian Miller said…
a 10 indeed! have fun with the little one today!
Wings1295 said…
Very cute - :)
tony said…
Yes! A Star!
Tess Kincaid said…
Lovely portrait of Ezra! But he does kind of have the "Dad, what in the heck are you doing here?" look on his face. :^)
SH -ic said…
lol you make me laughing
Dot-Com said…
Ten out of ten, no doubt.
I made the mistake of pulling your blog up at work and showing the ladies at the desk. Now I have to pull it up every morning, we all huddle around the pc and oohhh and ahhh and laugh. This morning was no exception. You are hilarious!
Baino said…
Haha . .you're a nut! But I'm glad you are . .fantastic. Very rueful expression there and the interplay of light . . oh listen to me wank on. .damn cute as usual!
Gabby said…
Oh, Ez's so cute! I can feel the baby pangs begin.
ezra is a perfect ten!

the play of shadow and light accentuates the beauty of the pic!
Kris McCracken said…
Ronda, Ez lets you know when he needs a change, so no fear there. He’s even more vocal when he wants food!
Kris McCracken said…
Yamini, he exudes indifference.
Kris McCracken said…
Mrsupole, Bo looks horrid these days. Too much surgery.
Kris McCracken said…
Marianna, 10 plus 10!
Kris McCracken said…
Tut-tut, for sure.
Kris McCracken said…
Brian, well, I’m now with them both for the second afternoon running. Let’s just say that yesterday was a little easier.
Kris McCracken said…
Tony, he’s born!
Kris McCracken said…
Willow, I was thinking more a “I’m too beautiful to even care about not caring” look.
Kris McCracken said…
One*planetOne*karma, until it hurts?
Kris McCracken said…
Dot-Com, top marks!
Kris McCracken said…
Evening Light Writer, I hope that the ladies at work start posting comments!
Kris McCracken said…
Baino, not a nut at all. I prefer unique.
Kris McCracken said…
Gabby, stop them now while you can!!!
Kris McCracken said…
Mouse (aka kimy), those Playboy photographers knew what they were doing, before PhotoShop and the plastic surgeons got involved…
Dina said…
I'll give the subject and the photographer both a ten plus.
Jaime said…
definitely a 10. great pic
Anonymous said…
You are right to be a proud dad :)
Kris McCracken said…
Jaime, good stuff.
Kris McCracken said…
Cinnamon, he is a pearler.

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