Just combine a frosty morning, some fog settled on the river, and a gradually rising sun; and you've got yourself an interesting photo! Straight out of the tin this one.
At some point, ideas for blog posts must run a little dry. In the event of this, I feel it pertinent to break the glass and turn to YOU for ideas. So come on, what can I write about? Does anyone want to set me a challenge or ask me a question? You'd be doing me a favour...
Related to the photo i've posted today can you write something about danger and fear ?
You should write a Bollywood masala film.
one post to announce it
possibly a post to remind people to enter
one to post the winner
theres at least two posts there, maybe three of four if i stretch it
you could try one on loss maybe
The photograph is alluring...
What about some questions to your readers. I remember that one with language.
And comics.
And this photo-storys (like this when you had snow in the mountains). Maybe a story about going to the supermarket with the kids. Kris this will be great.