I appreciate good art, I really do. The problem is that there is surprisingly little of it. While the good stuff does exist, the majority of modern art in Tasmania today is more likely to resemble a junkyard of any old crap with a five hundred word bit of justification sticky-taped up on the wall next to it.
Honestly, if bullshitting equates to art, then say hello to Monet!
What compounds my distaste, is the fact that most of the bullshitting is all so clichéd and predictable. Man, if all you've got to do is ramble on, at least make it original!
That's why my eye was drawn to this little bugger above. Is it art?
It is nestled in what used to be a working port, and features a little plague that someone has managed to work up in their spare time:
Of course, the mysterious art critic loses marks for failing to close their quotation marks, an odd capitalisation of the word "foundry" and "bollard", "where" instead of "were", both misspelling and not capitalising "Picasso", the grammar Nazi within can't let that slide, but I appreciate the effort more than some of the other efforts around here!
That said, like Mr or Ms "Thru" the other day, I call nong!
I HATE bad spelling and grammar too...so you can imagine how frustrating my days are... working in the education system.
And a bollard is a bollard is a bollard....???
You should try working at university level, where one may make the (erroneous) assumption that the barely literate are excluded.
As a photography student, I was naturally above all that hoodwinking & self indulgence...
First year philosophy was difficult enough. So many imbeciles, so little clue as to their own cluelessness!
Just because one can't understand what the hell is there on the canvas shouldn't qualify it as a "masterpiece". Really, now!!!
There was a spanish sculptor and painter named Miró (I don't know if you know him) that I don't understand his works. He usually painted a red point in a big white picture: is this art?
Hirst pisses me off the most, because he's a "concept" guy. He doesn't even do the work! Honestly, all he does is come up with some bullshit idea, someone else paints a few spots on a plate or stuffs a sheep, and the money comes rolling in.
I must be thick or something, because I don't understand the attraction, it seems to me the most ludicrous scam around!