I realise today that nothing in the world is more distasteful to a man than to take the path that leads to himself.
Here is the view walking up Murray Street into the sun late in the afternoon. I like the colours in this one, as it feels like autumn even though it is
I'm all about list-making at the moment, so I thought that I'd riff on a familiar theme and present to you part one in a new series...
Pros and Cons of Toddlers
Pro #1: They're CUTE. I know that some dirt magnets have heads on them like half-eaten meat pies, but I think that we all know that MY children are handsome young fellows. This immediately gains you cred points in the general community.
Con #1: They're LOUD. As a lover of peace and quite, this has been hard to deal with. Whatever it is that they seem to be doing, they appear compelled to do it at full volume. This can encompass everything from having a bath to picking up toys to reading a book. The one exception seems to be "pouring water on clean clothes". In this sense, when you can't hear Henry, he's up to no good.
Having fugly children is where you REALLY prove what a good parent you are...it is easy to like good looking kids but you really have to work at it with a fugly one!
I always knew when it was quiet in my home that someone was doing something they shouldn't. That still applies!
It would be difficult to have a fugly. I'm not sure that Henry would have survived the first year if he had a rotten head...