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Ivan Ilych's life had been most simple and most ordinary and therefore most terrible.

I thought that I'd share another self portrait with you, this time down near the Supreme Court down here on the Salamanca/Battery Point/Hobart pivot.

In the spirit of sharing, I thought that I'd supplement this self-portrait with a brief pen portrait of ten things about me that seem to exist around these here Internets:
  1. I have never lost a sock.
  2. I hate easily.
  3. I love to think about water.
  4. I honestly believe that my two lads are the best going around.
  5. I would like to eat clouds.
  6. I think that women, and not dogs, are a man's best friend.
  7. I want for little.
  8. The colour blue is my favourite.
  9. It's my birthday on Thursday.
  10. I try each day to be a little bit better.


Ronda Laveen said…
I love your personal 10 list. Are you sure you never lost a sock? Is that even possible? From one that does much laundry, those little devils are quite prone to walk off?

Great picture.
Kris McCracken said…
Ronda, my wife has lost socks, but I have a process that ensure it is impossible.
smudgeon said…
Not even lost a sock to the washing machine?

Weird. Genuinely weird.
Kris McCracken said…
Me, but if they go in, they must come out. If the process does not allow an unmatched sock to enter, no unmatched sock can leave. The gulf between "on the line" and "in the wash" is where most lost socks go.

The process must not allow socks to enter that gulf.
Hallam said…
The mini dress set off nicely by the elephant man leg.
Kris McCracken said…
Hallam, I often wear my mini skirt to work. And you know how popular neurofibromatosis is with the kids these days!
yamini said…
The top ten list starts at an unbelievable not, as rightly pointed out by others here.
How can u not lose a sock for your entire life? I mean, socks, handkerchiefs, etc, are items, which one buys in bulk, only because we know we are gonna lose them sooner or later.
What is your secret?
Babzy.B said…
your list sounds like your poetry ;)
Miles McClagan said…
If you have never lost socks but found at least 1ne, the universe is out of wack...
Very interesting list. Happy Birthday!!!!

I've lost lots of socks.

OH, and the picture is nice too! Really nice.
Roddy said…
Nice self portrait, however it does make you look like some shadowy character.
Your favourite father is back at work, but this time, in touch with the world.
I will be watching you closely so you had best behave.
No more missing my favourite family.
Hello Jen, Henry and Ezra. And of course yourself.
Priyanka Khot said…

what is the big deal about not losing a sock? I agree that if the process is in place that never happens..

1. I too have never lost a sock.
2. I too hate easily.
3. I too love to think about water.
4. I honestly believe that your two lads are the best going around.
5. I a not too sure about eating clouds though.
6. I think dogs are any day better than most men.
7. I want for a lot
8. The colour blue is my favourite as well.
9. My birthday is in June
10. I try each day to be a little bit better.

I like your obsession with making lists... I am on the verge of joining the club. :-)
Jackie said…
I like your #10. I fall very short of that, it has to be said.

I hope the boys have a party planned for their dad for Thursday. Just remember not to do anything I wouldn't.
Candie said…
Great stuff!
I could eat clouds too!
Will think of you on thursday!
lemon said…
Well, I wish you have a very happy birthday, and your life to be going on for ever just like now, loving, healthy and content with small (but really so huge) pleasures.
I send my love, to all 4 of you!
tony said…
Great Photos & Text this week (as usual).Have A Great Week.
Sue said…
I NEVER lose socks in the washing either. Two go in...two come out...simple. Two one the line...two back in the drawer...simple.
But then...we have Cody! Who loses his socks all over the place. Hence, we have a myriad of lone socks.
Now, don't get me started on his undies!???!
KL said…
Absolutely lovely self-portrait :-D. The cow-eyes, athletic legs, and as the saying goes - tall, dark and handsome- everything is perfectly visible...uh lala....(Man! Jen is going to kill me. Please ask her not to).

Not lost any socks!? No Big Deal. I have never lost any socks and I have also never lost any of my hubby's there go....:-P
Kris McCracken said…
Yamini, Jen has lost a few of mine, but I don’t know how. Sue nailed it down below: two go in, two go out! There’s nowhere for them to go.
Kris McCracken said…
Babzy, I will choose to interpret that as a compliment.
Kris McCracken said…
Miles, I have found a few loose ones of other peoples.
Kris McCracken said…
Roddy, running up a huge bill no doubt.
Kris McCracken said…
Priyanka, lists are always good fun.
Kris McCracken said…
Jackie, I try, and am certainly not always successful! As for b’day, the best we’ll do is maybe go out for pancakes. I am taking the day off work, however!
Kris McCracken said…
Candie, clouds look so tasty.
Kris McCracken said…
Lemon, they are big for little people.
Kris McCracken said…
Tony, it’s all luck!
Kris McCracken said…
Sue, process process process!
Kris McCracken said…
KL, she has been known to get very jealous, only she takes it out on me!
frances said…
Krispy how tall are you.
Kris McCracken said…
Frances, I am 193 centimetres tall. I have been told that this equates to somewhere around 6' 3" or 6' 4".

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