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All the world's a stage. And all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances. And one man in his time plays many parts

Looking skyward on the corner of Elizabeth Street and Franklin Wharf. That's the sharp edge of the Marine Board Building, a tree and a street sign. I like the colours on this one, very 'cool', very 'early morning'. The locals hate this building, but it is interesting enough to feature on this blog a few times already.

Anyway, enough of buildings pack with bureaucrats, we have a Theme Thursday topic to tackle!

[Cue meandering post.]

I might not have mentioned it already on this blog, but I have two sons. Both of my children are charismatic, engaging fellows with a flair for the dramatic. They share a gift for music; they are blessed with a natural rhythm that permits them both tremendous dancing skills; they have seemingly innate abilities in the field of manipulation persuasion; an enormous egotism confidence; immense physical stamina and strength; yet sensitive, compassionate natures.

This curse These gifts that both share have led me to ponder the likelihood of one (or both) of my lads will end up on the STAGE. Yes, I fear that they are theatrically inclined.

I could cope if the stage that they are destined to is one littered with supermodels, stacks of Marshall amps and big piles of money, but I fear that it might be something far more horrifying: amateur musical theatre.

Amateur musical theatre is a cancer. It infects seemingly healthy, happy people and renders them quivering imbeciles. Chubby teens in spandex hotpants belting out their umpteenth attempt at Summer Nights during the rehearsal process has been responsible for more cases of post traumatic stress disorder than artillery bombardments. How many high school productions of Sweet Charity must the innocent public endure before the horror is stopped? Guys and Dolls, West Side Story, and now this rising leviathan High School Musical [Parts One through twenty]... won’t somebody think of the children?!?!?!

Because it is the children – and their parents, moms and pops the world over – that suffer.

No, it must be stopped, and if that means buying Henry a drumkit and Ezra a Fender Strat with an amp that goes all the way to eleven, then by God I will do it.


yamini said…
You really think that if Henry and Ezra have set their mind at something (In this case, amateur musical theatre) you will be able to persuade/cajole/threaten/coerce them to change their mind?


They are two strong-willed men, who know their mind very well. You'll just have to sit back and enjoy when they come onstage. I wish I too could see them perform.
Baino said…
Haha . . now your comment makes sense! Clearly you have crappy Amateur Theatre in the apple Isle . .poor poppet. Wait until the kids are in the school play. You'll be posting pics and waxing dare I say . .lyrical!
Hi! Kris,
I agree with you that is a nice looking building...nice architecture and most definitely, a nice shot!

The only words for your Theme Thursday stage is...LOL!!!!
By the way, Thanks, for the warning!

Take care!
DeeDee ;-D
Brian Miller said…
why 11..because it is one more than 10! ha. love it. boys are amazing!
KL said…
The picture gives the idea that the world has suddenly tilted much to one side :-).
Gabby said…
LOL! Yes, an amp with an 11!

Baino-seriously? There's good amateur theatre out there? Where?

Have a great weekend everyone.
Megan said…
Love your plan. But please, check with your significant other before you by god do it...
Roddy said…
Guitar Hero. Drum kit and guitar duo. Let me know when the boys can take delivery.
The Silver Fox said…
Funny as hell this time around, Kris, but you don't REALLY think they'll turn out the way YOU want???

And actually, I think this was the first post in which you mentioned having two sons. Congratulations!
Anonymous said…
Kris, you're just hoping it's a phase they're going through, right? Pop finally gave up on me when I signed the Navy papers( like I was gonna go Air Force--HA! ).

Let the lads have on with it. only time will tell if it's their true calling, yes?
Kris McCracken said…
Yamini, yes. I am very convincing.
Kris McCracken said…
Baino, by its very definition amateur theatre is crappy!
Kris McCracken said…
DeeDee, it is a pity that the building blocks the view of the river.
Kris McCracken said…
Brian, they are indeed.
Kris McCracken said…
KL, it is very much that way.
Kris McCracken said…
Gabby, 11 is loud. There is no such thing as good amateur theatre, although the Simpson’s version of Streetcar Named Desire looked decent enough.
Kris McCracken said…
Roddy, I need a Playstation 3 first.
Kris McCracken said…
The Silver Fox, they must!
Kris McCracken said…
subtorp77, it’s just a stage.

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