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When I die, I would like to go peacefully, in my sleep, like my grandfather. Not screaming in terror like his passengers.

Equal parts Pacman and David Lynch, I like to think of the tail lights of the cars in front as we cross the Tasman Bridge as hungry little ghosts eating the sins of teenagers the world over.

That’s right, it’s Theme Thursday, and we’re talking GHOSTs.

They’re odd birds, ghosts; never happy, always moaning, wailing, dragging chains about and getting ectoplasm on the good curtains. A lot like children in that regard.

I’ve never liked ghosts. Call me spectrally-bigoted, but the notion of some undead soul wandering through my walls while I’m endeavouring to seduce my wife is just plain wrong.

So no, I won’t be signing any of your goody goody, namby pamby, hoity toity, wishy washy, lardy dardy, know it all know nothing do gooders petitions to give ghosts and ghoulies the vote.

No siree.

The only moaning welcome in my house is be either a bit of the other or "if I have to tell you to pick those toys up one more time..."


yamini said…
But Ghosts are a part of our world!!
And not all ghosts are bad, moaning, or irritating.
In the Harry Potter series, you even have haughty and helpful ghosts. :-))
Priyanka Khot said…
Ghosts... naah! I don't believe in them. Though I am curious to see the MJ ghost spotted by fans in the CNN footage...
Hallam said…
I dig this pitcure
Hallam said…
I like the picture too.
Roddy said…
How did you diffuse the light to just show the lights? Nifty little picture.
Ghosts, real or not; I've never really met one.
Baino said…
Totally with you there and love the header! Ghosts, schmost, most are toast! Priyanka, it's on You Tube . .yeah yeah I know pathetic but had to look.
Kris McCracken said…
Yamini, haughty and naughty ghosts!
Kris McCracken said…
Priyanka, he look like a ghost when he was alive.
Kris McCracken said…
Hallam, what are you, a gardener?
Kris McCracken said…
Hallam, what do you like about it?
Kris McCracken said…
Roddy, it's called "night-time". Some people call it "darkness" or an "absence of light".

Just a little technical trick that we photographers use.
Kris McCracken said…
Baino, is MJ really dead?
yamini said…
So, what's wrong with being a bit naughty?
Yeah, that's the only kind of moaning I prefer around my house too. I always like to see what your mind turns out on thursdays.
Roddy said…
Yeah, I noticed the lack of daylight. It was just the ability to remove all other traces of light.
Hallam said…
I think it would make a great print. I think it is intriguing and the sort of shot you could look at repeatedly and still appreciate/glean new things from.
The Silver Fox said…
Michael Jackson died?

I hadn't heard...
lettuce said…
"Equal parts Pacman and David Lynch, I like to think of the tail lights of the cars in front as we cross the Tasman Bridge as hungry little ghosts eating the sins of teenagers the world over."

what a great line. I'm not sure i have any idea what it means, but i love it.
Kris McCracken said…
Yamini, it depends if it involves murder.
Kris McCracken said…
Liza, inevitably it returns to the gutter.
Kris McCracken said…
Roddy, that's called 'the dark'.
Kris McCracken said…
Hallam, I never know whether you're having a lend any more.
Kris McCracken said…
The Silver Fox, I think that it was Michael Jackson...
Kris McCracken said…
Lettuce, it means what you want it to mean.
The Silver Fox said…
Could have been LaToya. They look very much alike...
Kris McCracken said…
TSF, LaToya looks like the devil herself.
Roddy said…
Kris, you don't drive a car nor a bus and you certainly don't fly planes. For that matter neither did your grandfather.

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