Here is the corner of Kirksway Place here in Battery Point, better known as the HQ of such luminaries as the Tasmanian office of the Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing; the Department of Family and Community Services; Girl Guides Tasmania; the Hobart Embroiderers' Guild Inc; and the Southern Tasmanian Spiderman Sexual Addiction Support Service. I've made one of those organisations up, but I'm not saying which one.
Here is the corner of Kirksway Place here in Battery Point, better known as the HQ of such luminaries as the Tasmanian office of the Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing; the Department of Family and Community Services; Girl Guides Tasmania; the Hobart Embroiderers' Guild Inc; and the Southern Tasmanian Spiderman Sexual Addiction Support Service. I've made one of those organisations up, but I'm not saying which one.