This gull is wondering why my post is so late today...
Thus, today's Sunday Top Five is the Top Five Reasons Why My Post Is So Late Today!
1: Dirty nappies need soaking, and soaked nappies need washing, and washed nappies need hanging out. Toddlers refuse to help in such matters.
2: Pancakes don't cook themselves!
3: Ezra isn't allowed to play in the toilet water and someone has to guard the toilet.
4: I've been up to the top of the mountain and come back down again (photos to come).
5: I have a wife to tickle.
Don't even get me started on mowing the lawn...
I've been up to the farm and cut more wood. Why then couldn't you mow the lawns? Toilet water? Some shielas put it on their skin. Eau de toilette.
Seagulls eat chips, and anything else they get their beaks on, harass picnickers and just otherwise laze about and do nothing.
argh - my place is some sort of Bermuda Triangle for mowers; they all turn into some sort of old-generation Ignalina or Chernobyl power plant and just decide, one day, that they will cease to function - usually in the most catastrophic of they do.